Helium by Chartboost SDK integration

If you have any questions about ad revenue tracking with Helium by Chartboost, please contact your dedicated account manager or send an email to support@adjust.com.

If you want to track your ad revenue with the Helium by Chartboost SDK, you can use our SDK-to-SDK integration to pass this information to the Adjust backend.

Before you begin

To use this feature, you first need to download and set up the Adjust SDK for your platform. Follow the instructions linked below to get started.

⚙️ iOS SDK v4.29.7 and later / Android SDK v4.29.0 and later / Unity SDK v4.29.6 and later/ Flutter SDK v4.29.2



[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:kHeliumDidReceiveILRDNotification
                                            usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull notification) {
    // extract the ILRD payload
    HeliumImpressionData *ilrd = (HeliumImpressionData *)notification.object;
    NSDictionary *json = ilrd.jsonData;
    // mandatory fields
    NSNumber *ad_revenue = [json objectForKey:@"ad_revenue"];
    NSString *currency_type = [json objectForKey:@"currency_type"];
    ADJAdRevenue *adjustAdRevenue = [[ADJAdRevenue alloc] initWithSource:ADJAdRevenueSourceHeliumChartboost];
    [adjustAdRevenue setRevenue:[ad_revenue doubleValue] currency:currency_type];
    // optional fields
    NSString *network_name = [json objectForKey:@"network_name"];     // Helium demand network name
    NSString *placement_name = [json objectForKey:@"placement_name"]; // Helium placement name
    NSString *line_item_name = [json objectForKey:@"line_item_name"]; // Helium line item name
    [adjustAdRevenue setAdRevenueNetwork:network_name];
    [adjustAdRevenue setAdRevenueUnit:placement_name];
    [adjustAdRevenue setAdRevenuePlacement:line_item_name];
    // track Adjust ad revenue
    [Adjust trackAdRevenue:adjustAdRevenue];