Meta integration details

Here you can find details about how Adjust's Meta integration reports data, and answers to frequently asked questions.

How it works

How does Adjust measure installs with Meta?

  1. Since Meta does not use Adjust link URLs, Adjust sends them every app session our SDK reports.
  2. If Meta recognizes the activity, they respond with the device identifier and timestamp.
  3. Following our own attribution method, Adjust then uses the engagement data from all networks to attribute the install to the last source.

Integration details

Limited Data Use for CCPA compliance

Meta’s Limited Data Use feature helps businesses stay compliant with CCPA. It works by signaling to Meta when users have opted out of having their data disclosed or shared with third parties.

Please be advised that Adjust is not providing, and cannot provide, legal advice regarding whether the CCPA applies to you or whether Meta’s processing activities constitute a “sale” under the CCPA. Please consult with your own legal counsel if you have questions about your CCPA compliance obligations.

App level setting

In Adjust, you can control what information is passed to Meta at an app level using the Limited Data Use (CCPA) setting. If you turn this ON, Meta will NOT claim or report any California user data for the app 

To allow Meta to process California users’ data, you can turn the setting OFF. However, be aware that by doing this Meta’s processing of California users’ data may be considered a “sale” under the CCPA. As such, if the CCPA applies to you, you need to provide a means for your users to opt-out on an individual basis, such as by collecting the user opted out status on each activity. If you do not do this, you can be held liable in accordance with the CCPA.  

Device level setting

With a supported Adjust SDK version, you can use the CCPA setting and also collect and share data from consenting users. This user consent overrides the app-level CCPA setting.

To set up Limited Data Use at a device level, follow the instructions for your platform:

📖 Android SDK v4.26.0 and above | iOS SDK v4.25.0 and above

Expired attributions

Meta prohibits Adjust (and all other Meta Business Partners) from storing attribution data for longer than 150 days. After that, Adjust continues measuring, but automatically displays all Meta-attributed users under Expired Attributions. This change applies retrospectively, so all previously measured event and session data remains with its user, under the Expired Attributions campaign-level link.

Expired attributions are listed at the campaign level (sublevel 1) for the following sources:

  • Facebook Installs
  • Off-Facebook Installs
  • Instagram Installs
  • Facebook Messenger Installs

Expired attributions are a display modification and not considered reattributions in Adjust.


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Why does Adjust show more installs than Meta?

Why are my re-engagement numbers different in Meta and Adjust?