Set up Google Ads

With Adjust's Google Ads integration, you can track and analyze the performance of your Google Ads campaigns.

Use these basic setup instructions to connect Adjust with Google Ads and track your campaigns. When you're finished, move to the customize your setup instructions to track ad spend, forward data to Google Ads, and more.

Before you begin


  • A Google Ads account
  • A Google LINKID: for details on how to create and share LINKIDs, use the Google Ads support documentation.
    • Each of your apps should only have one LINKID associated with it on Google Ads. To avoid confusion, you can use one ad account to generate a single LINKID and share this LINKID with all other accounts.

What you need to know

  • Adjust’s Google Ads API integration includes tracking for the following campaign types:
    • Search
    • Display
    • Shopping
    • Video
    • App

Basic setup

Set up Google Ads in Adjust and import your linked events into Google Ads before launching your campaign.

1. Connect your Adjust dashboard to Google Ads

Connect your Adjust dashboard to Google Ads with the following steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup.
  3. Select ADD PARTNERS, and select Add (+ icon) beside Google Ads.
  4. Enter your LinkID in the LINKID field.
  5. Select SAVE.

You do not need to create any Adjust trackers for your campaigns. You should only create a tracker if you use Google Ads App Assets. The tracker is then implemented through the Google Ads UI. See Manage event linking for more details.

By default, the attribution window for all Google Ads regular campaign installs is set to 30 days, and Google Ads pre-registration campaigns are set to 90 days. These defaults will override your app’s attribution window settings.

Adjust recommends that you match Google Ads' attribution window with your apps to avoid install discrepancies. While not recommended, you can customize your desired attribution window by turning off those defaults and by changing the attribution window in All Settings > Attribution > Device matching.

2. Manage event linking in Adjust

All Adjust-tracked events are linked to Google Ads automatically. This means that Adjust sends in-app event data, from all sources, to Google Ads.

To override automatic event linking and only share certain events with Google Ads, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup > Google Ads > Event Linking.
  3. Find and select the event you want to remove.
  4. Select X (cross icon).
Linked events must contain a valid IP address. If Adjust currently tracks your in-app events via a server-to-server integration, update your request to include an IP address using the parameter ip_address=

For S2S event requests, send your current SDK version. Google uses this to fully optimize your in-app event campaigns.

Event names

All event names appear in Google Ads as you label them in the Adjust Dashboard. Spaces and special characters are replaced with an underscore (_). Special characters that appear at the start or end of the name are deleted. Any series of two or more special characters are replaced with a single underscore.

Example: REVad_$$cost$$ in the Adjust dashboard becomes revad_cost in Google Ads.

You can change event names manually from the Event Linking section. Type a custom name or select a default name from the drop-down menu.

Here are the available default Adjust names that map to Google's in-app events:

  • In App Purchase
  • View Item List
  • View Item
  • View Search Results
  • Add to Cart
  • Ecommerce Purchase

Select In App Purchase for a revenue event. If you are certain that your transactions are consistently e-commerce, select Ecommerce Purchase.

Send the SDK version for server-to-server events

It is recommended, not required, that you send your SDK version along with S2S events. 

To do this, you need the formatted SDK version. The format will be (platform)(SDK version). Here are some examples:

PlatformSDK VersionFormatted SDK Version

Once you've formatted the SDK version, always send it via a custom request header named Client-SDK.


If the formatted SDK version is ios4.12.3, then the custom header would be defined in the
following curl command:

curl -X GET \\  

22%3A%22baz%22%7D' \  
-H 'Client-Sdk: ios4.12.3'  

3. Import your linked events into Google Ads

In Google Ads, a conversion action is a specific user action that you have defined as valuable to your business, such as an online purchase.

To import your Adjust events into Google Ads as conversion actions, follow Google Ads' support documentation. Once imported, Google Ads will begin to send Adjust conversion data for conversion actions.

You must import all relevant conversion actions (both first open and any relevant in-app actions) into Google Ads before launching a Google Ads campaign. Adjust cannot report any Google Ads-driven app installs or in-app events until you have completed your import.