AdjustAdRevenue class

The AdjustAdRevenue object contains information about ad revenue events.


Set the revenue amount

You can pass the revenue amount for an ad event. To do this, call the setRevenue method with the revenue amount and currency code.

void setRevenue (final Double revenue, final String currency)
adjustAdRevenue.setRevenue(ad.getRevenue(), "USD");

Record the number of ad impressions

You can record the number of impressions an ad has received. To do this, call the setAdImpressionsCount method and pass the number of impressions.

void setAdImpressionsCount (final Integer adImpressionsCount)

Set the name of the ad network

You can record the name of the network an ad belongs to. To do this, call the setAdRevenueNetwork method with the network name.

void setAdRevenueNetwork (final String adRevenueNetwork)

Set the unit of the ad revenue

You can record the type of ad (ad unit) that the user interacted with. To do this, call the setAdRevenueUnit method with the ad unit name.

void setAdRevenueUnit (final String adRevenueUnit)

Set the placement of the ad unit

You can record the placement of the ad unit the user interacted with. To do this, call the setAdRevenuePlacement method with the placement.

void setAdRevenuePlacement (final String adRevenuePlacement)

Add callback parameters

You can add callback parameters to your ad revenue object. To do this, call the addCallbackParameter method with your parameter key and value.

void addCallbackParameter (final String key, final String value)
adjustAdRevenue.addCallbackParameter("foo", "bar");

Add partner parameters

You can add parameters to your ad revenue object to be sent to network partners. To do this, call the addPartnerParameter method with your parameter key and value.

void addPartnerParameter (final String key, final String value)
adjustAdRevenue.addPartnerParameter("foo", "bar");