Eclipse setup

As of Adjust SDK v4.0.0, we recommend using Android Studio.

If you want to integrate the Adjust SDK using the Eclipse IDE, follow the steps in this guide.

This guide only contains information that differs from the get started guide. Once you have completed the Eclipse-specific steps below, refer to that guide.

Basic installation

The easiest way to integrate the Adjust SDK in your Eclipse project is by linking the compiled JAR.

  1. Download the Adjust SDK JAR from our releases page. You can also download the SDK from the Maven repository. Search for com.adjust.sdk to find it.
  2. Drag the JAR into the libs folder in your project. This will make the Adjust SDK available in your app.

Add Google Play Services

As of August 1st 2014, apps in the Google Play Store need to use the Google Advertising ID (gps_adid) to identify devices. To allow the Adjust SDK to use the gps_adid, you will need to integrate Google Play Services. If you have not done this yet, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the library project from <android-sdk>/extras/google/google-play-services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/ to the location where you keep your Android app project.
  2. Import the library project into your Eclipse workspace. Click File -> Import, select Android -> Existing Android Code into Workspace. Browse to the copy of the library project to import it.
  3. In your app project, reference Google Play services library project. See Referencing a Library Project for Eclipse for more information on how to do this. You should be referencing a copy of the library that you added to your development workspace. You should not reference the library directly from the Android SDK directory.
  4. Once you have added the Google Play Services library as an app dependency, you need to update your manifest. Add the following tag as a child of the element:
<meta-data android:name=""
      android:value="@integer/google-play-services_version" />