Gather device IDs

The Adjust SDK enables the collection of useful device identifiers. You can use these for reporting purposes by including them in your callbacks.

iOS ID for Advertisers (IDFA)

Some analytics services need you to coordinate device and client IDs. This is necessary to prevent duplicate reporting. You can gather the device IDFA by calling the idfa method.

NSString *idfa = [Adjust idfa];

Adjust device identifier (ADID)

When the backend tracks a device, it generates a unique ID for it. To get the device's ADID, call the adid method.

The ADID is only available after the Adjust backend has tracked an install. It is not possible to access the ADID before you initialize the SDK. Once the SDK has sent the install information to the backend, you will be able to access the ADID.
NSString *adid = [Adjust adid];