v4 migration guide

In this article we list the migration steps between minor versions of SDK v4. If we make changes that require you to modify your code or your project setup, you can find full instructions here.

You must follow each step between your current version and your target version. For example, if you upgrade from 4.13.0 to 4.30.1, you must complete both 4.13.0 -> 4.14.0 and 4.30.0 -> 4.30.1.

4.32.0 -> 4.33.0

The web bridge plugin is now shipped as an AAR and includes all Javascript files by default. This means that you don't need to update these files manually on each update. If you previously integrated the web bridge plugin:

  1. Remove the web bridge JAR from your project and install the latest AAR.
  2. Remove all imported Adjust Javascript files from your assets directory.

4.31.0 -> 4.31.1

The com.google.android.gms.AD_ID permission is now included in the SDK by default. You can remove this permission by adding a remove directive in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Do this if need to make your app COPPA-compliant or if you do not target the Google Play Store.

<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" tools:node="remove"/>

4.30.0 -> 4.30.1

The Adjust SDK is now shipped as an AAR rather than a JAR.

4.13.0 -> 4.14.0

The Adjust.appWillOpenUrl(Uri) is deprecated and has been replaced with Adjust.appWillOpenUrl(Uri, Context). If you use the Adjust.appWillOpenUrl(Uri) method, you can add your Context as follows:

Adjust.appWillOpenUrl(data, getApplicationContext())