Set up Pinterest

Pinterest is a network and Adjust module partner. Our integration lets Pinterest receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks.

Use our basic setup instructions to turn on Adjust’s integration and send callbacks to Pinterest. Then, use our advanced setup instructions to customize what information Pinterest receives.

Basic setup

To turn on Adjust’s integration with Pinterest, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup > ADD PARTNERS.
  3. Select the add (+) icon next to Pinterest.
  4. Enter your TAG ID (required for events) (for help finding this, contact your Pinterest representative).
  5. Optional: see advanced setup to customize your callbacks.
  6. Select Save.

Well done! Basic setup is complete. Now you can create an Adjust tracker URL and submit it to Pinterest to launch your campaign.

Pinterest will receive callbacks for these activities:

  • event

Callback string format

To support end-user privacy and remain compliant, Adjust reports raw data from Pinterest in a specific way.

Below is an example of a callback string that Adjust normally sends. In this string, text within curly braces { } are Adjust placeholders -- macros that let Adjust dynamically add user or engagement data to the client's callback string.

  • Standard string:{tracker}&tracker_name={tracker_name}

For Pinterest, Adjust sends a different kind of callback string for all activities to clients.

  • Compliant string:

Note the following changes to this string compared to the standard example:

  • tracker = unattr
  • tracker_name = Unattributed

Advanced setup

Choose which data Pinterest receives from Adjust by customizing your setup.

Only forward data attributed to Pinterest

Adjust sends Pinterest your events across all ad platforms.

To stop Pinterest from receiving data attributed to other ad platforms, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup > Pinterest.
  3. Turn on Attributed Only.

Now Pinterest will only receive events attributed to their own platform.

Forward in-app revenue

In-app revenue forwarding lets Pinterest receive revenue amounts along with your revenue event data.

To forward in-app revenue to Pinterest, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup > Pinterest.
  3. Turn on In-App Revenue Forwarding.

Now Pinterest will receive the revenue amount for every tracked transaction.

Note: Link at least one revenue event to Pinterest before turning on In-App Revenue Forwarding.

Forward custom data

Partner parameters (available in Adjust SDK version 4.0+) let Adjust collect custom data points from your app and send them to Pinterest.

Note: Before adding new partner parameters to the Adjust SDK, make sure no pre-existing partner parameters already fit your requirements.

To forward partner parameters to Pinterest, follow these steps.

  1. Set up partner parameters within the Adjust SDK (instructions for iOS and Android).
  2. In the Adjust dashboard, find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  3. Select Partner Setup > Pinterest.
  4. Turn on Parameter Forwarding.
  5. Select Partner Parameter Mapping.
  6. In the FROM APP field, enter the name of your Adjust parameter (as written into the Adjust SDK). In the TO PARTNER field, enter your corresponding Pinterest name.
  7. Select Save.

Now Pinterest will receive custom event details for each of your linked events.

Note: If you set up partner parameters within the Adjust SDK without turning on Partner Parameter Mapping, Adjust forwards the parameters as named in the Adjust SDK.

Forward in-app events

Event linking lets Pinterest receive in-app event data. You can link every in-app event in Adjust to a preset Pinterest name or a custom event name.

To forward in-app events to Pinterest, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^).
  2. Select Partner Setup > Pinterest > Event Linking.
  3. Find the event you want to link and update the field with a Pinterest event or your own custom name.
  4. When you finish linking events, select OK.
  5. Select Save.

Now Pinterest will receive in-app event data for each of your linked events.

Partner specific setup instructions

To send in-app events, please input TAG ID when setting up the module. This field is required for in-app events only.

Additionally, note that Pinterest can run both iOS and Android campaigns. Before enabling your Pinterest module, please reach out to Pinterest so that they can set you up with the relevant campaigns.

Predefined parameters

Pinterest allows you to send a set of predefined parameters. If you attach any of these parameters to an event in your adjust SDK, these will be forwarded to Pinterest. You can find out more about attaching partner parameters in the SDK readme specific to the SDK or SDKs you are working with. Below is a list of the defined parameters that Pinterest accepts:

Parameter key > Value

  • value > Value of add to cart or purchase events.
  • currency > Currency used to represent the above value.
  • quantity > Number of items added to cart or purchased.
  • order_id > Order ID of purchase.
  • search_string > Search string or query for search event.

value, currency and quantity parameters are valid for both add to cart and purchase events. _order_id_is only valid for purchase events. search_string is the only partner parameter available for search events.

List of all parameters forwarded to Pinterest

Pinterest requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:

{city}Device city
{country}Device two-character country code
{currency}Original ISO 4217 currency code sent from Adjust SDK
{device_name}Device model number
{gps_adid}Google Play Store advertising ID
{idfa}ID for advertisers (iOS only)
{ip_address}Device IP address
{isp}Device internet service provider
{language}Device two-character language code
{os_name}Device operating system
{os_version}Operating system version number
{partner_parameters}Custom partner parameters collected by the Adjust SDK or S2S request and transmitted to third party providers via postbacks
{revenue_usd}Revenue, in US dollars
{revenue}Revenue, as sent from Adjust SDK in cents
{sdk_version}Adjust SDK version (per app)
{tracking_limited}1 if tracking is limited, 0 if not
{user_agent}Incoming raw user agent
{app_id}Store App ID or Google Play Store
{app_name}Name of the app
{app_version_short}App version number (Android), release-version-number for the bundle (iOS)
{created_at}Activity timestamp
{impression_based}1 if impression-based engagement, 0 if not