Set up Forensiq

Forensiq is an analytics and Adjust module partner. Our integration lets Forensiq receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks.

Use our basic setup instructions to turn on Adjust’s integration and send callbacks to Forensiq. Then, use our advanced setup instructions to customize what information Forensiq receives.

Basic setup

To turn on Adjust’s integration with Forensiq, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^)
  2. Select Partner Setup > ADD PARTNERS
  3. Select the add (+) icon next to Forensiq
  4. Enter your CLIENT KEY (for help finding this, contact your Forensiq representative)
  5. Optional: see advanced setup to customize your callbacks
  6. Select Save

Well done! Basic setup is complete. Forensiq will receive callbacks for these activities:

  • click
  • install
  • event
  • rejectedInstall

Advanced setup

Choose which data Forensiq receives from Adjust by customizing your setup.

Forward in-app revenue

In-app revenue forwarding lets Forensiq receive revenue amounts along with your revenue event data.

To forward in-app revenue to Forensiq, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^)
  2. Select Partner Setup > Forensiq
  3. Turn on In-App Revenue Forwarding

Now Forensiq will receive the revenue amount for every tracked transaction.

Note: Link at least one [revenue event] to Forensiq before turning on In-App Revenue Forwarding.

Forward in-app events

Event linking lets Forensiq receive in-app event data. You can link every in-app event in Adjust to a preset Forensiq name or a custom event name.

To forward in-app events to Forensiq, follow these steps.

  1. Find your app and select your app options caret (^)
  2. Select Partner Setup > Forensiq > Event Linking
  3. Find the event you want to link and update the field with a Forensiq event or your own custom name
  4. When you finish linking events, select OK
  5. Select Save

Now Forensiq will receive in-app event data for each of your linked events.

List of all parameters forwarded to Forensiq

Forensiq requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:

{android_id}Android ID (Android only)
{gps_adid}Google Play Store advertising ID
{idfa}ID for advertisers (iOS only)
{idfa||gps_adid}IDFA, or GPS ADID if IDFA is empty
{ip_address}Device IP address
{match_type}Attribution method
{reftag}Random device reference tag
{revenue_usd}Revenue, in US dollars
{sdk_version}Adjust SDK version (per app)
{user_agent}Incoming raw user agent
{win_adid}Windows advertising identifier
{activity_kind}Type of user activity
{adgroup_name}Adgroup name, as taken from the tracker
{app_id}Store App ID or Google Play Store
{app_version}App version number (Android), build-version-number for the bundle (iOS)
{campaign_name}Campaign name, as taken from the tracker
{click_referer}Referrer header from click
{engagement_time}Engagement timestamp
{installed_at}Install (i.e., first app open) timestamp
{is_organic}1 if organic traffic, 0 if non-organic
{network_name}Network name, as taken from the tracker
{rejection_reason}Reason for a rejected attribution