Custom dimensions

Custom dimensions let you take your data analysis to the next level. Build on Adjust's existing dimensions to aggregate your data into new groups. With custom dimensions, your data appears in the format you need for your reports with no extra steps. Custom dimensions are available in the Report Service API and raw data exports.

Growth solution:

Custom dimensions are available as a Growth Solution. Reach out to your Adjust representative or for information about how to get this on your package.


To start using custom dimensions, you need to provide the following information to your Adjust Technical Account Manager (TAM):

  • New dimension name: The name of the new dimension.
    • The name must be unique and not repeat any existing dimension name on your account. It can be uppercase or lowercase, include spaces and special characters.
  • Condition(s) for the new dimension: Your new dimension can be based one or more conditions.
    • Source dimension: The built-in Adjust dimension you want to expand. You can only use one source dimension per custom dimension.
    • (Optional) Source dimension + Partner: Specify if you only want to see dimension data from a specific partner. If you do not specify a partner, we use data from all partners.
    • Further customization: We also support adding further conditions to your custom dimension. Discuss this implementation directly with your Adjust representative.
  • Grouping rule(s): Define what rule(s) to apply to source dimension data when parsing values for your new dimension. The following types of rule can apply:
    • Exact matches: Define the precise values you want to include in your new dimension value. For example, you can match campaign ID values exactly to ensure you get only the results you want.
    • Regular expressions: Define pattern matching rules to apply to your source dimension. This allows for more flexible matching of strings that do not match exactly. For example: you can match campaign name values that begin with a specific word only .
    • You should also provide a default value for all values that are not grouped by a rule.

How it works

Your custom dimension can use any of the existing dimensions you see in Adjust as its source. You can customize the dimension by applying a rule to it, thereby creating a new categorization to use in Adjust.

Your new, custom dimension can be a simple grouping to make your reporting easier to anaylze at a glance. For example, group apps from different platforms under one app title using a regular expression. This lets you read all data for that app in a single line, rather than split across several.

A flowchart showing how you can use custom dimensions.

You can also perform more complex groupings. For example, you could create a dimension called "[Manager name] Google Ads" to group data for your UA managers. This would let you compare managers against one another based on their Google Ads campaign performance.

To set this up, you need to parse the managers' names from the existing campaign name dimension. Here's how you would do it:

  1. Set a filter for the campaign partner.
    • Inform your Adjust TAM you only want to see Google Ads data.
  2. Use a regular expression to extract the managers' names from the campaign name.
    1. Ask your TAM to use a regular expression to extract the managers' names from the campaign name, and send them a list of the managers' names.
    2. Ensure each campaign name includes the manager's name "code" (e.g. annab, brianc, cathyd).
    3. Provide some campaign name examples to your TAM. They can then create the regular expression for you.

Rules priority

You can provide several parsing rules for each custom dimension. Each dimension may contain exact matches, regular expressions, and partner filters. We prioritize these rules in the following order:

  1. Partner-specific exact match
  2. Partner-specific regular expression
  3. All partners exact match
  4. All partners regular expression