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Dimensions are filters that allow you to group and organize report data based on specific attributes, such as date, country, or app name. By applying dimensions, you can tailor your reports to conveniently group related information together.
Dimensions are available in both Datascape and queries to the Report Service API, offering flexibility in how you access and filter data. Whether you're exploring data visually in Datascape or using dimensions as query parameters in the API, you can easily refine your reports to suit your needs.
A channel is the aggregate of your partner-level and network-level links. Adjust uses this aggregate to make sure you always have clear reporting data with no unknown source listed.
Adjust displays unknown when it can't populate the network dimension. This occurs if:
Ad spend partners don't send a network name in their campaign data, such as when the partner has multiple networks.
You run a campaign using a link that isn't linked to a specific partner.
When you use the Channel dimension, Adjust uses the following logic to ensure you always have data populating in your reports.
Data tier determined by the crowd size associated with the app or domain displaying the ad, the advertised app, and the hierarchical source identifier the ad network provides: 0, 1, 2, and 3.