Datascape dimensions

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App dimensions

AppApp name.
App tokenApp token created while setting up a new app in Adjust.
App store IDYour unique app ID for your app on each app store.
App store typeType of app store.
CurrencyApp currency that you selected for reporting.
CountryCountry where your users are.

Attribution dimensions

Network (Attribution)Link name.
Campaign (Attribution)Campaign name and campaign ID. This is the link sub-level 1.
Adgroup (Attribution)Adgroup name and adgroup ID. This is the link sub-level 2.
Creative (Attribution)Creative name and creative ID. This is the link sub-level 3.

Channel dimensions

What is a channel in Adjust?

PartnerPartner name in Adjust. To be replaced by Channel.
ChannelChannel name in Adjust.
Campaign nameCampaign name from the network.
Campaign IDCampaign ID from the network. 
Adgroup nameAdgroup name from the network.
Adgroup IDAdgroup ID from the network. 
Source nameName of the app where the ad was placed.
Source IDID of the app where the ad was placed.
Ad nameCreative name from the network.
Ad IDCreative ID from the network. 

Time dimensions

Year (Date)Distribution of data by year.
Quarter (Date)Distribution of data by quarter.
Month (Date)Distribution of data by month.
Week (Date)Distribution of data by week.
Day (Date)Distribution of data by day.
HourDistribution of data by hour. Only fetches data if the selected time period filter is set to Last 7 days or less.

Assisting dimensions

Assisting networkA network that served an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution.
Assisting campaignA campaign which provided engagements that were considered but not awarded the final attribution.
Assisting adgroupAn adgroup which provided engagements that were considered but not awarded the final attribution.
Assisting creativeA creative which provided engagements that were considered but not awarded the final attribution.
Assisting channelA channel that served an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution.
Assisting partnerA partner that served an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution.
Assisting partner IDThe ID of the partner that served an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution. 
Assisting partner nameThe name of the partner that served an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution.
Assisting link tokenThe link token of a link that was placed behind an ad that was considered for, but not awarded, the final attribution.

SKAN Crowd Anonymity dimensions

AppApp ID.
ChannelChannel name in Adjust.
Campaign IDCampaign ID from the network.
Crowd anonymity tierData tier determined by the crowd size associated with the app or domain displaying the ad, the advertised app, and the hierarchical source identifier the ad network provides: 0, 1, 2, and 3.
Crowd anonymity tier nameThe name of the data tier of crowd anonymity.

Additional dimensions

Not all dimensions are available in Datascape for visual reporting. Instead, they are available for granular data analysis with the Report Service API.

For a full list of dimensions availabe with the API, use our Reports endpoint dimensions breakdown.