Filters data endpoint

The Filters Data endpoint enables you to retrieve a list of valid metrics. You can use these metrics to filter calls to other endpoints in the Report Service API suite.

A full list of metrics is available in our Datascape metrics glossary.

Before you begin

To use this endpoint, you need an Adjust API token. Follow the instructions in the authentication guide to get your token.


GET request

Return a list of filter items. Use the id field of the returned objects to filter other API calls.


ParameterData typeInDescription
required_filters*StringQueryA comma separated list of filters. See the Required filters table below for a list of values.
sectionEnum<String>QueryThe section you want to filter items by. See the Section table below for a list of values.
[required_filters]__containsStringQueryEnter a search term to look for a full or partial match in the object's id and name fields.

Required filters



This endpoint returns the following responses:

200SuccessReturns report information
204No contentReturned if the response object is empty
400Bad requestReturned if your request is malformed or contains unsupported parameters
401UnauthorizedReturned if your credentials are incorrect or absent
403ForbiddenReturned if you try to access information you don't have permission to view
429Too many requestsReturned if you exceed 50 simultaneous requests
503Service unavailableReturned if the server cannot be reached
504Gateway timeoutReturned if the query takes too long to return a response

Success response

   "required_filters_1": [
         "id": "string",
         "name": "string",
         "short_name": "string",
         "section": "string",
         "formatting": "string"
   "required_filters_2": [
         "id": "string",
         "name": "string",
         "short_name": "string",
         "section": "string",
         "formatting": "string"
         "id": "string",
         "name": "string",
         "short_name": "string",
         "section": "string",
         "formatting": "string"



curl --location --request GET ',cost_metrics&section=cost&overview_metrics__contains=ecpi&cost_metrics__contains=Ad spend' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {API_TOKEN}'
    "overview_metrics": [
            "id": "ecpi_all",
            "name": "eCPI (All Installs)",
            "short_name": "eCPI (All)",
            "section": "Cost",
            "formatting": "money"
            "id": "ecpi",
            "name": "eCPI (Paid Installs)",
            "short_name": "eCPI (Paid)",
            "section": "Cost",
            "formatting": "money"
    "cost_metrics": [
            "id": "network_cost",
            "name": "Ad Spend (Network)",
            "short_name": "",
            "section": "Cost",
            "formatting": "decimal"
            "id": "network_cost_diff",
            "name": "Ad Spend Diff (Network)",
            "short_name": "",
            "section": "Cost",
            "formatting": "decimal"