Datascape metrics

Datascape lets you pull aggregated data from multiple sources into one report using the Report Service API. This means you can retrieve data from Adjust KPI Service, SKAdNetwork, and Ad Spend.

About the API Metric ID

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Reporting for ROAS and ROI metrics

Conversion metrics

These metrics help you measure your user activity and converstion rates.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
ATT - Authorized UsersThe number of users with an authorized ATT status.-att_status_authorized
ATT - Not Determined UsersThe number of users with a not determined ATT status.-att_status_non_determined
ATT - Denied UsersThe number of users with a denied ATT status.-att_status_denied
ATT - Restricted UsersThe number of users with a restricted ATT status.-att_status_restricted
ATT Consent RateThe percentage of users who were shown, and consented to, the ATT prompt.ATT Status Authorized / ( ATT Status Denied + ATT Status Authorized )att_consent_rate
Avg. DAUsThe average number of unique daily active users (DAU) for your selected timeframe.(D0 DAU + D1 DAU + DAY N DAU) / the number of days in your timeframedaus
Avg. MAUsThe average number of unique monthly active users (MAU) for your selected timeframe.(D0 MAU + D1 MAU + DAY N MAU) / the number of months in your timeframemaus
Avg. WAUsThe average number of unique weekly active users (WAU) for your selected timeframe.(D0 WAU + D1 WAU + DAY N WAU) / the number of weeks in your timeframewaus
Base SessionsThe number of user sessions, excluding installs and reattributions.-base_sessions
CancelsTransaction is not renewed at the end of the subscription period, because the user unsubscribes or the billing retry renewal fails. Only available with Subscription Recording Growth Solution.-cancels
ClicksFor SANs: the number of clicks we received from the network.
For non-SANs: the number of clicks we measured directly.
Clicks (Attribution)The total number of clicks measured for your campaigns.-attribution_clicks
Clicks (Network)The number of clicks reported by the network.-network_clicks
Click Conversion Rate (CCR)The average number of clicks it takes for a user to install your app.Installs/ Clicks *100click_conversion_rate
Click Through Rate (CTR) The percentage of clicks you received per impressions served.Clicks / Impressions *100ctr
DeattributionsThe total number of users that are removed away from the first attribution source to a reattribution source.-deattributions
EventNon-cohorted number of times a specific event is triggered per period.-{event_slug}_events
Total EventsThe total number of all triggered events.-events
First ReinstallsThe number of first time reinstalls per period of time. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.-first_reinstalls
First UninstallsThe number of first time uninstalls per period of time. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.-first_uninstalls
GDPR ForgetsThe total number of users who have exercised their right to be forgotten under the EU's GDPR. Adjust permanently deletes the historical personal data for these users but retains their aggregated data for reports.-gdpr_forgets
ImpressionsFor SANs: the number of impressions we received from the network.
For non-SANs: the number of impressions we measured directly.
Impressions (Attribution)The total number of ad impressions measured for your campaigns.-attribution_impressions
Impressions (Network)Number of impressions reported by the network.-network_impressions
Impression Conversion Rate (ICR)The percentage of app installs per ad impressions served.Installs / Impressions *100impression_conversion_rate
InstallsThe number of installs for your app.-installs
Installs (Network)The number of installs reported by the network.-network_installs
Installs Diff (Network)Shows an absolute value with the difference between the Attribution and Network sources.InstallsNetwork installsnetwork_installs_diff
Installs per Mile (IPM)Installs per one thousand impressions.1000 * Impression conversion rateinstalls_per_mile
Limit Ad Tracking InstallsThe total number of installs coming from devices with limit ad tracking (LAT) enabled.-limit_ad_tracking_installs
Limit Ad Tracking RateThe percentage of your total installs coming from devices with LAT enabled.Limit ad tracking installs/ Installslimit_ad_tracking_install_rate
Limit Ad Tracking ReattributionsThe total number of reattributions coming from devices with LAT enabled.-limit_ad_tracking_reattributions
Limit Ad Tracking Reattribution RateThe percentage of your total reattributions coming from devices with LAT enabled. Limit ad tracking reattributions / Reattributionslimit_ad_tracking_reattribution_rate
Non-Organic InstallsThe number of Installs that are not attributed to an Organic source.-non_organic_installs
Organic InstallsThe number of Installs that are attributed to an Organic source.-organic_installs
ReattributionThe total number of reattributions that have occurred. See reattribution measurement.-reattributions
Reattribution ReinstallsThe total number of reinstalls that occurred that also led to a reattribution.-reattribution_reinstalls
ReinstallsThe total number of reinstalls that have occurred. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.-reinstalls
SessionsThe total number of sessions, including installs (first sessions), reinstalls, reattributions, and reattribution reinstalls that have occurred.base_sessions + installs + reattributionssessions
Uninstalls Number of uninstalls. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.-uninstalls
Uninstalls (Cohort)The total number of uninstalls from users who installed your app within your selected timeframe. Only available with Uninstall and Reinstall Growth Solution.-uninstall_cohort

Cohort metrics

These metrics help you measure cohorted data from users who have installed and/or reinstalled your app. N days is a placeholder for your actual cohort period.

Available cohort periods

Not all cohort days are selectable in Datascape. You can use the Report Service API to view cohort data for any specfic day between 0D - 120D.

Alongside providing both cumulative and non-cumulative metrics, Adjust offers metrics that are calculated using different definitions of the cohort group. Find out what these are and how cohorts work.

Cumulative cohort metrics

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
N days Ad Impressions TotalThe cumulative number of ads served to users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-ad_impressions_total_{cohort_period}
N days Ad Impressions Total in CohortThe cumulative number of ads served to users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-ad_impressions_total_in_cohort_{cohort_period}
N days Event (Conversions)Number of users who completed the relevant in-app event on day, week, or month N after install or reattribution.{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_conversions_cohort
N days Event (Events)Number of events completed on day, week, or month N after install.{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_events_cohort
N days Event (Revenue)Amount of in-app revenue, based on revenue events reported by the Adjust SDK or recorded server-to-server.{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_revenue_cohort
N days Event (Converted User Size)Number of users who completed the relevant in-app event by day, week or month N and installed your app at least N days, weeks or months ago.{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_converted_user_size_cohort
N days Events per Conversion (Events)Number of triggered events divided by the number of conversions.{event slug} {cohort period} events cohort / {event slug} {cohort period} conversions cohort{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_events_per_conversion_cohort
N days Events per Conversion (Revenue)Revenue generated by the chosen event divided by the number of conversions.{event slug} {cohort period} revenue cohort / {event slug} {cohort period} conversions cohort{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_revenue_per_conversion_cohort
N days Event ( Event Rate) The number of times the chosen event occurred, divided by the number of installs.
The event rate is calculated by taking the total of your selected event and dividing it by the number of people in the cohort.
{event slug} {cohort period} events cohort / Installs{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_events_rate_cohort
N days Event (Conversions Rate)The number of times a chosen event was triggered for the first time, divided by the number of installs.
The conversion rate is calculated by taking the total number of conversions and dividing it by the number of people in the cohort.
{event slug} {cohort period} conversions cohort / Installs{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_conversions_rate_cohort
N days Revenue TotalThe cumulative amount of in-app revenue by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-revenue_total_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Total Per UserThe cumulative in-app revenue per user for a selected cohort period.Revenue total N days / Cohort size N daysrevenue_total_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Total Per Paying UserCumulative in-app revenue per paying user within the selected cohort period.N days Revenue Total / N days First Paying Users Totalrevenue_total_per_paying_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Total In Cohort(Number of days, weeks, or months) Revenue Total In Cohort-revenue_total_in_cohort_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Total (Number of days, weeks, or months) Revenue Events Total-revenue_events_total_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Total in CohortThe cumulative number of revenue events generated during the selected cohort period. Only users who have completed the entire cohort period after install are included in the calculation. -revenue_events_total_in_cohort_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Total per Paying UserCumulative number of revenue-generating events per paying user within the selected cohort period.N days revenue events total in cohort / N days first paying users totalrevenue_events_total_per_paying_user_{cohort_period}
N days Ad Revenue TotalThe cumulative amount of revenue generated by serving in-app ads to users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-ad_revenue_total_{cohort_period}
N days Ad Revenue Total Per UserThe cumulative ad revenue per user for a selected cohort period.Ad revenue total N days Cohort size N daysad_revenue_total_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Ad Revenue Total in CohortThe total ad revenue on day N from all the users in the N day cohort who fully completed the Nth day. -ad_revenue_total_in_cohort_{cohort_period}
N days All Revenue TotalThe total cumulative revenue on day N from all the users in the 0 day cohort size. Users do not have to reach day N.Ad revenue total N days Revenue total N daysall_revenue_total_{cohort_period}
N days All Revenue Total Per UserThe cumulative revenue from all revenue sources per user for a selected cohort period.All revenue total N days / Cohort size N daysall_revenue_total_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days All Revenue Total in CohortTotal revenue on day N from all the users in the N day cohort. Only includes users who fully completed the N day.Ad revenue total in cohort N days + Revenue total in cohort N daysall_revenue_total_in_cohort_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (Ad) All UsersThe lifetime value of a user for a specified cohort period, calculated using only revenue from serving ads.Ad revenue total in cohort N days / Cohort size N dayslifetime_value_ad_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (Ad) Paying UsersThe lifetime value of a paying user for a specified cohort period, calculated using only revenue from serving ads.Ad revenue total in cohort N days / Paying user size N dayspaying_user_lifetime_value_ad_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (All) All UsersThe lifetime value of a user, calculated using all revenue sources for a specified cohort period.All revenue total in cohort N days / Cohort size N dayslifetime_value_{cohort_period}
N days ROAS (Ad Revenue)Return on advertising spend, calculated using only revenue from serving ads, for a specified cohort period.Ad revenue total N days / Ad Spendroas_ad_{cohort_period}
N days ROAS (All Revenue)Return on advertising spend, calculated using all revenue sources for a specified cohort period.All revenue total N days / Ad Spendroas_{cohort_period}
N days ROAS (IAP Revenue)Return on advertising spend, calculated using only in-app revenue, for a selected cohort period.Revenue total N days / Ad Spendroas_iap_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (All) Paying UsersThe lifetime value of a paying user, calculated using all revenue sources for a specified cohort period.All revenue total in cohort N days / Paying user size N dayspaying_user_lifetime_value_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (IAP) All UsersUser lifetime value, calculated using only in-app revenue, for a selected cohort period.Revenue total in cohort N days / Cohort size N dayslifetime_value_iap_{cohort_period}
N days LTV (IAP) Paying UsersThe lifetime value for paying users, calculated using only in-app revenue, for a selected cohort period.Revenue total in cohort N days / Paying user size N dayspaying_user_lifetime_value_iap_{cohort_period}
N days Total Paying UsersThe cumulative count of users who've made at least one purchase within the cohort period.-first_paying_users_total_{cohort_period}
N days Paying Users Conversion Rate TotalCumulative percentage of users who have converted to paying customers up to the selected cohort period.First paying users total N days / Cohort size N dayscumulative_paying_users_conversion_rate_{cohort_period}
N days First Reinstalls TotalThe total cumulative number of first-time reinstalls by users who installed the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed for a selected cohort period.-first_reinstalls_total_{cohort_period}
N days Reinstalls TotalThe cumulative number of users who installed the app in your selected timeframe and also have reinstalled it during a specified cohort period.-reinstalls_total_{cohort_period}
N days First Uninstalls TotalThe total cumulative number of first-time uninstalls by users who installed the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed for a selected cohort period.-first_uninstalls_total_{cohort_period}
N days Uninstalls TotalThe cumulative number of users who installed or reinstalled the app in your selected timeframe and also have uninstalled it during a specified cohort period.-uninstalls_total_{cohort_period}
N days GDPR Forget Users TotalThe cumulative number of GDPR Forgets by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-gdpr_forgets_total_{cohort_period}

Non-cumulative cohort metrics

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
N days Ad ImpressionsThe number of ads served to users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed and/or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-ad_impressions_{cohort_period}
N days Ad RevenueThe amount of ad revenue generated in a selected date range for a selected cohort period.-ad_revenue_{cohort_period}
N days Ad RPM(Number of days, weeks, or months) Ad RPM(Ad revenue N days / Ad impressions N days) * 1000ad_rpm_{cohort_period}
N days All RevenueThe total amount of revenue generated by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed and/or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-all_revenue_{cohort_period}
N days All Revenue Per UserRevenue per user, calculated using all revenue sources for a specified cohort period.All revenue N days / Cohort size N daysall_revenue_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Cohort SizeThe number of users who were attributed to the given source (first install or last source) for at least N days, weeks or months, within in your selected timeframe. -cohort_size_{cohort_period}
N days DeattributionsThe number of users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in your selected timeframe and were deattributed during a specified cohort period.-deattributions_{cohort_period}
N days Cost per Event (Events)Ad spend divided by the number of triggered events.Ad Spend / {event slug} {cohort period} events cohort{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_events_cost_cohort
N days Cost per Event (Conversions)Ad spend divided by the number of conversions.Ad Spend / {event slug} {cohort period} conversions cohort{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_conversions_cost_cohort
N days Cost Per Paying UserAverage ad spend per paying user during the cohort period. Ad Spend / First Paying Users Total N dayscost_per_paying_user_{cohort_period}
N days Deattributions Per UserThe number of deattributions per user for selected cohort period.Deattributions N days / Cohort size N daysdeattributions_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Event (Events per Period)The number of times an event was triggered during the cohort period.-{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_events_per_period
N days Event (Revenue per Period)Amount of in-app revenue earned from the event, as reported by the Adjust SDK or recorded server-to-server, within the selected cohort period.-{event_slug}_{cohort_period}_revenue_per_period
N days First ReinstallsThe total number of first-time reinstalls by users who installed the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed for a selected cohort period.-first_reinstalls_{cohort_period}
N days First UninstallsThe total number of first-time uninstalls by users who installed the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed for a selected cohort period.-first_uninstalls_{cohort_period}
N days GDPR ForgetsThe number of GDPR Forgets by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed and/or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-gdpr_forgets_{cohort_period}
N days Non-Install SessionsThe total number of non-install sessions by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed and/or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-non_install_sessions_{cohort_period}
N days First-Time Paying UsersNumber of users making their initial purchase until a specific cohort period.-first_paying_users_{cohort_period}
N days First-Time Paying Users RateRatio of first-time purchasers to the number of retained users for a given day post-install.First Paying Users N days / Retained users N daysfirst_time_paying_user_conversion_rate_{cohort_period}
N days Paying User SizeThe total number of users who installed and/or reinstalled your app in your selected timeframe, have had your app installed and/or reinstalled for the duration of a specified cohort period and completed an in-app purchase at any point.-paying_user_size_{cohort_period}
N days Paying User Conversion RatePercentage of the cohorts users who became buyers on a specific day.First paying users N days / Cohort size N dayspaying_user_conversion_rate_{cohort_period}
N days Paying UsersThe total number of users who completed an in-app purchase on the Nth day/week/month after install or reinstall.-paying_users_{cohort_period}
N days Paying Users RateThe share of paying users in a cohort for a specified cohort period.Paying users N days / Cohort size N dayspaying_user_rate_{cohort_period}
N days ReattributionsThe number of users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in your selected timeframe and were reattributed during a specified cohort period.-reattributions_{cohort_period}
N days Reattributions per DeattributionThe number of reattributions divided by number of deattributions for selected cohort period.Reattributions N days / Deattributions N daysreattributions_per_deattribution_{cohort_period}
N days Reattributions Per UserThe number of reattributions per user of deattributions for selected cohort period.Reattributions N days / Cohort size N daysreattributions_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days ReinstallsThe number of users who installed the app in your selected timeframe and also have reinstalled it during a specified cohort period.-reinstalls_{cohort_period}
N days Retained UsersThe number of users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in your selected time frame and stayed active for a duration specified in a cohort period.-retained_users_{cohort_period}
N days Retention Rate All UsersThe number of retained users divided by a cohort size.Retained users N days / Cohort size N daysretention_rate_{cohort_period}
N days Retention Rate Paying Users(Number of days, weeks, or months) Retention rate of paying users.Paying users N days / Retained users N dayspaying_users_retention_rate_{cohort_period}
N days RevenueAmount of in-app revenue by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-revenue_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue EventsThe number of revenue events that have been triggered by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-revenue_events_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Per Active UserAverage in-app revenue per paying user for a selected cohort period.Revenue events N days / Retained users N daysrevenue_events_per_active_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Per Paying UserThe number of revenue events divided by a cohort size for a selected cohort period.Revenue events N days / Paying users N daysrevenue_events_per_paying_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Events Per UserThe number of revenue events divided by a cohort size for a selected cohort period.Revenue events N days / Cohort size N daysrevenue_events_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Per Paying UserAverage in-app revenue per paying user for a selected cohort period.Revenue N days / Paying users N daysrevenue_per_paying_user_{cohort_period}
N days Revenue Per UserAverage in-app revenue per user for a selected cohort period.Revenue N days / Cohort size N daysrevenue_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days SessionsThe number of sessions by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-sessions_{cohort_period}
N days Sessions Per UserThe average number of sessions per user during selected cohort period.Sessions N days / Cohort size N dayssessions_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days Time SpentThe number of seconds spent in the app by users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in a selected date range and have had the app installed or reinstalled for a selected cohort period.-time_spent_{cohort_period}
N days Time Spent Per Active UserThe average number of seconds each active user in a cohort spent in the app during selected cohort period.Time spent N days / Retained users N daystime_spent_per_active_user_{cohort_period}
N days Time Spent Per SessionThe average number of seconds each session took during selected cohort period.Time spent N days / Non install sessions N daystime_spent_per_session_{cohort_period}
N days Time Spent Per UserThe average number of seconds each user in a cohort spent in the app during selected cohort period.Time spent N days / Cohort size N daystime_spent_per_user_{cohort_period}
N days UninstallsThe number of users who installed and/or reinstalled the app in your selected timeframe and also have uninstalled it during a specified cohort period.-uninstalls_{cohort_period}

Ad Spend metrics

These help you measure your ad spend campaigns and identify key trends. Read more about Adjust Ad Spend.

Metric calculations with Ad Spend in the formula depend on your selected ad spend source. Read more on how ad spend source affects your data.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Ad SpendThe amount of money spent on ads.The sum of click_cost + impression_cost + install_cost + event_costcost
Ad Spend (Attribution)The amount of money spent on ads. Calculated using only data retrieved using Adjust’s ad spend on engagement method.The sum of click_cost + impression_cost + install_cost + event_costadjust_cost
Ad Spend (Network)Shows ad spend data retrieved using the Network API.The sum of click_cost + impression_cost + install_cost+ event_costnetwork_cost
Ad Spend (Network - SKAdNetwork)The amount of ad spend related to SKAdNetwork campaigns, as reported by the network partner.-network_ad_spend_skan
Ad Spend Diff (Network)Shows an absolute value with the difference between the Attribution and Network sources.Ad Spend (Attribution) - Ad Spend (Network)network_cost_diff
Click CostThe costs of clicks.-click_cost
Clicks (Paid)The number of clicks, for which there is cost data.-paid_clicks
eCPI (All Installs)Effective cost per install on all installs.Ad Spend/ Installsecpi_all
eCPI (Network) Effective cost per install reported by the Network API.Ad Spend (Network) / Network installsnetwork_ecpi
eCPI (Paid Installs) Effect cost per install on paid installs.Ad Spend (Network) / Paid installsecpi
eCPI (SKAdNetwork)Effective cost per install on all installs through SKAdNetwork.Ad Spend (Network - SKAdNetwork) / Installs (SKAdNetwork)skad_ecpi
eCPM (Attribution) Effective cost per mille (one thousand impressions) reported by the Attribution ad spend source.(Ad Spend / Paid impressions) * 1000ecpm
eCPM (Network) Effective cost per mille (one thousand impressions) reported by the Network API.(Ad Spend (Network)/ Network impressions) * 1000network_ecpm
eCPCEffective cost per click.Ad spend / Paid clicksecpc
Event costThe costs of events-event_cost
Impression costCost of impressions.-impression_cost
Impressions (Paid)The number of impressions for which there is ad spend data.-paid_impressions
Install CostThe costs of installs.-install_cost
Installs (Paid)The number of installs, for which there is ad spend data.-paid_installs

Revenue metrics

These let you measure your ad revenue and user spending metrics. Read more about Adjust Ad Revenue.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Ad ImpressionsThe number of ads served to end-users.-ad_impressions
Ad RevenueThe revenue generated by serving in-app ads.-ad_revenue
Ad Revenue (Cohort)The total ad revenue generated from users who installed or reinstalled your app within your selected timeframe up to the current date. It is cumulative and based on ad revenue reported by the Adjust SDK or recorded server-to-server. 

Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
Ad RPMAd Revenue per Mille Impressions. Your ad revenue per thousand ad impressions.(Ad revenue / Ad impressions) * 1000ad_rpm
RevenueThe revenue your app has generated within a selected timeframe based on revenue events reported by the Adjust SDK or as recorded server-to-server.-revenue
Revenue (Cohort)The total in-app revenue generated from users who installed or reinstalled your app within your selected timeframe up to the current date. It is cumulative and based on events reported by the Adjust SDK or server-to-server. 

Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
All RevenueThe amount of revenue generated by an app, calculated using all revenue sources.Ad Revenue + Revenueall_revenue
All Revenue (Cohort)The total amount of in-app revenue and ad revenue generated from users who installed or reinstalled your app within your selected timeframe up to the current date. It is cumulative and based on events reported by the Adjust SDK or server-to-server. 

Example: If the selected time frame is Jan 1-31, and today is May 1st, the revenue is counted up to May 1st.
Cohort Revenue + Cohort Ad Revenuecohort_all_revenue
ARPDAU (All)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using all sources of revenue.All Revenue Total / Total DAU in the date rangearpdau
ARPDAU (Ad)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using only revenue from serving ads.Ad Revenue / Total DAU in the date rangearpdau_ad
ARPDAU (IAP)Average revenue per daily active user, calculated using in-app purchase revenue.In-app Revenue / Total DAU in the date rangearpdau_iap
Gross profitRevenue minus ad spend.All revenue - Ad Spendgross_profit
Gross profit (Cohort)The cohorted gross profit.Cohort revenueAd Spendcohort_gross_profit
Return On Investment (ROI)The cohorted gross profit divided by ad spend.Cohort gross profit / AdSpendreturn_on_investment
Revenue EventsThe total number of revenue events that have been triggered.-revenue_events
Revenue To Cost Ratio (RCR)The revenue-to-cost ratio.Cohort revenue / Ad Spendrevenue_to_cost
ROAS (All Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using all sources of revenue.(Cohort revenue + Cohort ad revenue) / AdSpendroas
ROAS (Ad Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using only ad revenue.Cohort ad revenue / Ad Spendroas_ad
ROAS (IAP Revenue)Return on ad spend, calculated using only in-app revenue.Cohort revenue / Ad Spendroas_iap

SKAdNetwork metrics

These metrics are related to Apple's SKAdNetwork. Read more about Adjust's SKAdNetwork solutions.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Conversion Bit 1 - Conversion Bit 6 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered. These metrics only have meaning when you are using the conversion events model.-conversion_1 to conversion_6
Conversion Value 0 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks where the conversion value is equal to 0 (install). 

A conversion value of 0 is returned when the user has installed the app but not triggered any mapped conversion value criteria.
Conversion Value 1 - Conversion Value 63 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks with the corresponding conversion value. (1-63) -conversion_value_1 to conversion_value_63
Conversion Value greater than 0 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks where the conversion value is greater than 0 (install).Valid Conversions (SKAN) - Conversion Value 0skad_conversion_value_gt_0
Conversion Value NullThe number of SKAN 3 postbacks and SKAN 4 1st postbacks received with a nulled conversion value. Null means an install took place, but further data has been hidden due to Apple's privacy framework.(Installs (SKAN) + Reinstalls (SKAN)) - Valid conversionsskad_conversion_value_null
Conversion Value Total (SKAN)Returns the sum of all conversion values as a single integer. The count of each conversion value is multiplied by its conversion value.

For example: for conversion value 40 the total number of recorded occurrences is multiplied by 40 to give the resulting total conversion value.
['conversion_value_0'... 'conversion_value_63'] * (0, 1, ... 63)conversion_value_total
Conversion Value Null Rate (SKAN)The number of postbacks received with a conversion value of null divided by the number of SKAN conversions.Conversion Value Null (SKAN) / Total Conversions (SKAN)skad_conversion_value_null_rate
Coarse conversion value null (1st Postback)The number of 1st postbacks received with a nulled coarse conversion value. Null means an install took place, but further data has been hidden due to Apple's privacy framework.skad_coarse_conversion_values_null_0
Coarse conversion value none (1st Postback)The number of 1st postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of none. None is sent by Apple whenever none of the conditions that are set for low, medium, and high were met.skad_coarse_conversion_values_none_0
Coarse conversion value low (1st Postback)The number of 1st postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of low. P1 low always = Install.skad_coarse_conversion_values_low_0
Coarse conversion value medium (1st Postback)The number of 1st postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of medium.skad_coarse_conversion_values_medium_0
Coarse conversion value high (1st Postback)The number of 1st postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of high.skad_coarse_conversion_values_high_0
Coarse conversion value null (2nd Postback)The number of 2nd postbacks received with a nulled coarse conversion value. Null means a session took place, but further data has been hidden due to Apple's privacy framework.skad_coarse_conversion_values_null_1
Coarse conversion value none (2nd Postback)The number of 2nd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of none. None is sent by Apple whenever none of the conditions that are set for low, medium, and high were met.skad_coarse_conversion_values_none_1
Coarse conversion value low (2nd Postback)The number of 2nd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of low.skad_coarse_conversion_values_low_1
Coarse conversion value medium (2nd Postback)The number of 2nd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of medium.skad_coarse_conversion_values_medium_1
Coarse conversion value high (2nd Postback)The number of 2nd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of high.skad_coarse_conversion_values_high_1
Coarse conversion value null (3rd Postback)The number of 3rd postbacks received with a nulled coarse conversion value. Null means a session took place, but further data has been hidden due to Apple's privacy framework.skad_coarse_conversion_values_null_2
Coarse conversion value none (3rd Postback)The number of 3rd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of none. None is sent by Apple whenever none of the conditions that are set for low, medium, and high were met.skad_coarse_conversion_values_none_2
Coarse conversion value low (3rd Postback)The number of 3rd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of low.skad_coarse_conversion_values_low_2
Coarse conversion value medium (3rd Postback)The number of 3rd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of medium.skad_coarse_conversion_values_medium_2
Coarse conversion value high (3rd Postback)The number of 3rd postbacks received with a coarse conversion value of high.skad_coarse_conversion_values_high_2
Event eCR (SKAN) - MinThe effective minimum conversion rate per action from SKAN for a given event.{event slug} Events Min / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_ecr_min
Event eCR (SKAN) - AvgThe effective average conversion rate per action from SKAN for a given event.{event slug} Events Est / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_ecr_est
Event eCR (SKAN) - MaxThe effective maximum conversion rate per action from SKAN for a given event.{event slug} Events Max / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_ecr_max
Installs (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks where redownload = false. SKAN postbacks are valid when the attribution signature is correct.Count of valid SKAN postbacks with redownload = falseskad_installs
Qualifiers (SKAN) Returns the number of installs that had a touchpoint with the network, but did not win the final SKAN attribution. This means the SKAN postback returned a did-win: false flag.-skad_qualifiers
Invalid Payloads (SKAN)Count of SKAN postbacks (install/reinstall) that were invalid after verification of the attribution signatureCalculated as the count of SKAN postbacks that didn’t have the correct attribution-signature.invalid_payloads
Reinstalls (SKAN)Returns the count of valid SKAN postbacks where redownload = true. SKAN postbacks are valid when the attribution signature is correct.Count of valid SKAN postbacks with redownload = trueskad_reinstalls
Total conversions (SKAN)The total number of conversions (installs and reinstalls) reported by SKAN.Installs (SKAN) + Reinstalls (SKAN)skad_total_installs
Valid Conversions (SKAN)Counter of SKAN postbacks (install/reinstall) that have a valid conversion value (0-63) attached. It shows the number of postbacks where the conversion value was not null.Installs (SKAN) + Reinstalls (SKAN) - Conversion Value Nullvalid_conversions
eCPA (SKAN)The Effective Cost per Action of a specific event. (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions (SKAN)) / (Unpacked Event (SKAN) * Installs (SKAN)){event_slug}_skan_ecpa
Ad Spend (SKAN) The amount spent on ads for SKAN campaigns as reported by the network API.-network_ad_spend_skan
ROAS (SKAN) - MinMinimum return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAN.(Total Revenue (SKAN Min) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions)skad_revenue_min_roas
ROAS (SKAN) - AvgAverage return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAN.(Total Revenue (SKAN Avg) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions)skad_revenue_est_roas
ROAS (SKAN) - MaxMaximum return on ad spend, calculated using only revenue and spend data from SKAN.(Total Revenue (SKAN Max) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions)skad_revenue_max_roas
ROI (SKAN) - MinThe minimum return on investment for SKAN campaigns, calculated using only SKAN postback data and network ad spend data.(Revenue (SKAN Min) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions) - 1skad_revenue_min_roi
ROI (SKAN) - AvgThe average return on investment for SKAN campaigns, calculated using only SKAN postback data and network ad spend data.(Revenue (SKAN Avg) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN)) * Valid Conversions) - 1skad_revenue_est_roi
ROI (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum return on investment for SKAN campaigns, calculated using only SKAN postback data and network ad spend data.(Revenue (SKAN Max) * Installs (SKAN)) / (Ad Spend (SKAN) * Valid Conversions) - 1skad_revenue_max_roi
RPU - Ad Rev (SKAN) - MinThe minimum ad revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Ad Revenue - Min / Valid conversionsskan_ad_rpu_min
RPU - Ad Rev (SKAN) - AvgThe average ad revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Ad Revenue - Est / Valid conversionsskan_ad_rpu_est
RPU - Ad Rev (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum ad revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Ad Revenue - Max / Valid conversionsskan_ad_rpu_max
RPU - IAP (SKAN IAP) - MinThe minimum in-app purchase revenue per user from SKAN.skan_iap_rpu_min
RPU - IAP (SKAN) - AvgThe average in-app revenue purchase per user from SKAN.skan_iap_rpu_est
RPU - IAP (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum in-app purchase revenue per user from SKAN.skan_iap_rpu_max
Event RPU (SKAN) - MinThe minimum revenue per user from SKAN  for a given event.{event slug} Revenue - Min / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_rpu_min
Event RPU (SKAN) - AvgThe average revenue per user from SKAN  for a given event.{event slug} Revenue - Est / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_rpu_est
Event RPU (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum revenue per user from SKAN  for a given event.{event slug} Revenue - Max / Valid conversions{event_slug}_skan_event_rpu_max
Total RPU (SKAN) - MinThe minimum total revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Total Revenue - Min / Valid conversionsskan_total_rpu_min
Total RPU (SKAN) - AvgThe average total revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Total Revenue - Est / Valid conversionsskan_total_rpu_est
Total RPU (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum total revenue per user from SKAN.SKAN Total Revenue - Max / Valid conversionsskan_total_rpu_max
eCPI (SKAN)Effective cost per SKAN install, calculated by dividing ad spend by installs.Ad Spend (SKAN) / Installs (SKAN)skad_ecpi
Ad Revenue (SKAN) - MinThe minimum ad revenue generated according to the range of the triggered conversion value.-skad_ad_revenue_min
Ad Revenue (SKAN) - AvgThe average ad revenue generated according to the range of the triggered conversion value.-skad_ad_revenue_est
Ad Revenue (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum ad revenue generated according to the range of the triggered conversion value.-skad_ad_revenue_max
In-App Revenue (SKAN) - MinThe minimum in-app revenue earned from your conversion value ranges as reported from SKAN postbacks.-iap_revenue_revenue_min
In-App Revenue (SKAN) - AvgThe average in-app revenue earned from your conversion value ranges as reported from SKAN postbacks.-iap_revenue_revenue_est
In-App Revenue (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum in-app revenue earned from your conversion value ranges as reported from SKAN postbacks.-iap_revenue_revenue_max
Total Revenue (SKAN) - MinThe minimum total revenue unpacked from Conversion Value revenue buckets, including all revenue sources.-skan_total_revenue_min
Total Revenue (SKAN) - AvgThe average total revenue unpacked from Conversion Value revenue buckets, including all revenue sources.-skan_total_revenue_est
Total Revenue (SKAN) - MaxThe maximum total revenue unpacked from Conversion Value revenue buckets, including all revenue sources.-skan_total_revenue_max
Event (SKAN) - MinThe number of events calculated from the SKAN postback, using the events count condition for a specific named event.-{event_slug}_events_min
Event (SKAN) - MaxThe number of events calculated from the SKAN postback, using the events count condition for a specific named event.-{event_slug}_events_max
Event (SKAN) - AvgThe number of events calculated from the SKAN postback, using the events count condition for a specific named event.-{event_slug}_events_est
Event Revenue (SKAN) - MinThe revenue from SKAN postbacks based on the revenue earned from a particular event.Example: If Conversion Value 42 corresponds to a Purchase event, triggered 10–20 times, then the metric is going to be equal to 10.{event_slug}_revenue_min
Event Revenue (SKAN) - MaxThe revenue from SKAN postbacks based on the revenue earned from a particular event.Example: If Conversion Value 42 corresponds to a Purchase event, triggered 10–20 times, then the metric is going to be equal to 20.{event_slug}_revenue_max
Event Revenue (SKAN) - AvgThe revenue from SKAN postbacks based on the revenue earned from a particular event.Example: If Conversion Value 42 corresponds to a Purchase event, triggered 10–20 times, then the metric is going to be equal to 15.{event_slug}_revenue_est
Total Revenue Events (SKAN) - MinTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue.

This metric returns the lowest number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
-general revenue_events_min
Total Revenue Events (SKAN) - AvgTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue .

This metric returns the average number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
-general revenue_events_est
Total Revenue Events (SKAN) - MaxTotal revenue events include the following revenue event types: In-App purchases and Ad Revenue.

This metric returns the highest number of total revenue events triggered within your conversion value ranges.
-general revenue_events_max
The following SKAN metrics are only available on request. Reach out to your Technical Account Manager or for access.
DescriptionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Direct Total Installs (SKAN)Number of installs and reinstalls reported directly by SKAdNetwork.Direct Installs + Direct Reinstallsskad_direct_total_installs
Direct Installs (SKAN)Returns the count of valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork where redownload = false.skad_direct_installs
Direct Reinstalls (SKAN)Returns the count of valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork where redownload = true.skad_direct_reinstalls
Direct Invalid Payloads (SKAN)Count of postbacks (install/reinstall) sent directly from SKAdNetwork that were invalid after verification of the attribution signature. skad_direct_invalid_payloads
Direct Valid Conversions (SKAN)Count of postbacks (install/reinstall) sent directly from SKAdNetwork that have a valid conversion value (0-63) attached. This shows the number of postbacks where the conversion value was not null.skad_direct_valid_conversions
Direct Conversion Value Null (SKAN)Returns the count of all valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork where the conversion value is null, or the count of all installs and reinstalls minus those with a conversion value not greater than or equal to 0.(Direct Installs + Direct Reinstalls) - Direct Valid Conversionsskad_direct_conversion_value_null
Direct Conversion Value Greater Than 0 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork where the conversion value is greater than 0 (install).Direct Valid Conversions - Direct Conversion Value 0skad_direct_conversion_value_gt_0
Direct Conversion Bit 1 - Direct Conversion Bit 6 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork where the corresponding conversion event has been triggered.skad_direct_conversion_1 to skad_direct_conversion_6
Direct Conversion Value 0 - Direct Conversion Value 63 (SKAN)Returns the count of valid postbacks sent directly from SKAdNetwork with the corresponding conversion value. (1-63) skad_direct_conversion_value_0 to skad_direct_conversion_value_63

Fraud metrics

These are fraud-related metrics, that help you maintain overview of KPIs such as the number of rejected installs. Read more about Adjust's fraud solution.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Invalid Signature Rejected Install RateRate of rejected installs due to invalid Signature.rejected_installs_invalid_signature / (installs + rejected_installs)rejected_install_invalid_signature_rate
Rejected InstallsThe total number of installs that Adjust identified and rejected as fraudulent.-rejected_installs
Rejected Install RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust has identified and rejected as fraudulent. The calculation for the Total row excludes installs under Organic and Untrusted Devices.(rejected_installs - Organic rejected_installs) / (installs - Organic installs - Untrusted Devices installs + rejected_installs - Organic rejected_installs)rejected_install_rate
Rejected Installs Anonymous IPThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected because they came from anonymous IPs.-rejected_installs_anon_ip
Rejected Installs Anonymous IP RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust has rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.Rejected installs anon ip / (Installs + Rejected installs)rejected_install_anon_ip_rate
Rejected Installs Click InjectionThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install.-rejected_installs_click_injection
Rejected Installs Click Injection RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install.Rejected installs click injection / (Installs + Rejected installs)rejected_install_click_injection_rate
Rejected Installs Distribution OutlierThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.-rejected_installs_distribution_outlier
Rejected Installs Distribution Outlier RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.Rejected installs distribution outlier / (Installs + Rejected installs)rejected_install_distribution_outlier_rate
Rejected Installs Malformed Advertising IDThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected because they had a malformed advertising ID.-rejected_install_malformed_advertising_id
Rejected Installs Malformed Advertising ID RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected because of the malformed advertising ID.-rejected_install_malformed_advertising_id_rate
Rejected Installs SDK SignatureThe total number of installs Adjust rejected for containing an invalid or missing SDK Signature.-rejected_installs_invalid_signature
Rejected Installs Too Many EngagementsThe total number of installs that Adjust rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.-rejected_installs_too_many_engagements
Rejected Installs Too Many Engagements RateThe percentage of your total number of installs that Adjust rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.Rejected installs too many engagements / (Installs + Rejected installs)rejected_install_too_many_engagements_rate
Rejected ReattributionThe total number of reattributions Adjust identified and rejected as fraudulent.-rejected_reattributions
Rejected Reattribution RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has identified and rejected as fraudulent. The calculation for the Total row excludes rejected installs under Organic and Untrusted Devices.Rejected reattributions / (Reattributions + Rejected reattributions)rejected_reattribution_rate
Rejected Reattributions Anonymous IPThe total number of reattributions that Adjust rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.-rejected_reattributions_anon_ip
Rejected Reattributions Anonymous IP RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected because they came from an anonymous IP.Rejected reattributions anon ip / (Reattributions + Rejected reattributions)rejected_reattribution_anon_ip_rate
Rejected Reattributions Click InjectionThe total number of reattributions rejected for falsified clicks between an app download and install for a user who previously had your app installed and had that install attributed within Adjust.-rejected_reattributions_click_injection
Rejected Reattributions Click Injection RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for falsified clicks sent between an app download and install for a user who previously had your app installed and had that install attributed within Adjust.Rejected reattributions click injection / (Reattributions + Rejected reattributions)rejected_reattributions_click_injection_rate
Rejected Reattributions Distribution OutlierThe total number of reattributions rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.-rejected_reattributions_distribution_outlier
Rejected Reattributions Distribution Outlier RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for falling outside the threshold set by our distribution modeling analysis.Rejected reattributions distribution outlier / (Reattributions + Rejected reattributions)rejected_reattribution_distribution_outlier_rate
Rejected Reattributions Too Many EngagementsThe total number of reattributions rejected for registering too many engagements within the reattribution window.-rejected_reattributions_too_many_engagements
Rejected Reattributions Too Many Engagements RateThe percentage of your total number of reattributions that Adjust has rejected for registering too many engagements within the attribution window.Rejected reattributions too many engagements / (Reattributions + Rejected reattributions)rejected_reattribution_too_many_engagements_rate

Assist metrics

These Adjust metrics help to measure the role different engagements play in assisting app installs.

DefinitionFormulaAPI Metric ID
Assisted InstallsThe number of app installs that qualified for attribution but were not selected. Organic users do not have any engagement with an Adjust link, therefore are not considered as assisting an install.assisted_installs
Assisting EngagementsAll of the user touchpoints that were considered, but not awarded the attribution. These can be clicks or impressions, but must fall within the link's attribution window.qualifiers
Assisting ImpressionsAll of the user impressions that were considered, but not awarded the attribution. impression_based_qualifiers
Assisting ClicksAll of the user clicks that were considered, but not awarded the attribution. click_based_qualifiers
Average Engagements per Assisted InstallThe average number of engagements that assisted an install. Assisting Engagements / Assisted Installsqualifiers_per_assisted_installs
Average Impressions per Assisted InstallThe average number of impressions that assisted an install.Assisting Impressions / Assisted Installsimpression_based_qualifiers_per_assisted_installs
Average Clicks per Assisted InstallThe average number of clicks that assisted an install.Assisting Clicks / Assisted Installsclick_based_qualifiers_per_assisted_installs
Assisting Clicks for ReattributionsAll of the user clicks that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution. click_based_reattribution_qualifiers
Assisting Impressions for ReattributionsAll of the user impressions that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution. impression_based_reattribution_qualifiers
Assisting Engagements for ReattributionsAll of the user touchpoints that were considered, but not awarded the reattribution. These can be clicks or impressions, but must fall within the link's reattribution window.reattribution_qualifiers
Assisted ReattributionsThe number of app installs that qualified for reattribution but were not selected. assisted_reattributions
Non-Assisted InstallsThe number of app installs that had no qualifying touchpoints within the attribution window prior to the attributed engagement. Organic users do not have any engagement with an Adjust link, therefore are not considered as assisting an install.Installs - Assisted installsnon_assisted_installs

InSight metrics

Growth solution:

InSight is available as an Adjust Growth Solution. To get InSight on your account, contact

The following metrics are available for Adjust InSight users and relate to incrementality tests. Find out more about Adjust InSight.

DefinitionFormulaMetric API ID
Average revenue per eventAverage revenue generated per your selected event from users who installed your app within the time period you selectedTotal revenue of event / number of times the event was triggeredaverage_revenue_per_event
Incremental revenueExtra revenue generated from when compared to a control group(Actual incremental value - mean incremental value) * Average revenue per eventincremental_revenue
Incremental ROASReturn on advertising spend (ROAS), calculated using only in-app revenue, for a selected cohort period-incremental_roas