Google Ads integration
Here you can find details about how Adjust's Google Ads integration performs attribution, reports data, and more.
How it works
How does Adjust measure installs with Google Ads?
- Since Google Ads does not use Adjust link URLs, Adjust sends them every app session our SDK reports.
- If Google Ads recognizes the activity, they respond with the device identifier and timestamp.
- Following our own attribution method, Adjust then uses the engagement data from all networks to attribute the install to the last source.
Integration details
Google Ads attribution without device-level data
Some users are particularly focused on privacy compliance and refrain from sharing device IDs. In addition, on Android 12 the Google Advertising ID is not available for users that opt-out of ads personalization in their device settings. This prevents its use for attribution.
To support attribution in these instances, Google Ads matches an engagement to an install using the Google Click Identifier (gclid). This is a unique ID that identifies the click and associated campaign information.
Adjust sends Google Ads the gclid
we receive from the following sources:
- Deep links.
- Google Referrer (Android only).
- Adjust link URLs (only for certain inventories where the link URL is set up, such as App Asset and web-to-app).
For iOS users, Adjust only shares the gclid if:
- Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) is enabled (for iOS 14.4 and below users).
- ATT status is Authorized (for iOS 14.5+ users).
Google Ads conversion reporting on iOS 14.5+ without device-level data
On iOS 14.5, apps must use the AppTrackingTransparency framework to request access to a user's device ID. If an app's ATT status is not Authorized, Google Ads may not pass the gclid
To accommodate this restriction, Google Ads uses the gbraid
parameter. This is used for all iOS clicks, regardless of inventory.
is an aggregate ID that is mapped to multiple users. This ensures no single individual can be identified and associated with the conversion. The parameter is added to the click URL served to users, but does not provide unique information about the click itself.
Adjust sends Google Ads gbraid
information from deep links and link URLs.
to the click URL.Discrepancies
Why does Datascape show fewer installs than Google Ads?
Since API integrations don’t use Adjust link URLs, Adjust sends SANs every app session our SDK reports. If Google Ads recognizes the activity, they respond with the device identifier and timestamp. Following our own attribution method, Adjust then uses the engagement data from all networks (including non-SANs) to attribute the install to the last source.
In the case of a reported install discrepancy, it's recommended that you always consider the following.