Receive ATT consent status in raw data

The Adjust SDK sends ATT status information about a user's consent response in your raw data exports. If a user provides consent, the Adjust SDK includes the IDFA in your data.

Data retrieval methods

There are two ways you can set up your raw data exports to include ATT consent information.

  1. {att_status} placeholder

Add the placeholder to your server callbacks or cloud storage uploads to receive information about a user's ATT status in your raw data. Example: att_status=2

The {att_status} placeholder can be populated with the following values:

null-The user is on a pre-iOS 14 device, or the developer has not implemented the ATT framework in the app.
0Not DeterminedThe Allow Apps to Request to Track setting is ON, but the ATT prompt has not been shown to the user.
1RestrictedThe Allow Apps to Request to Track setting is OFF and cannot be toggled on by the user. The ATT prompt cannot be shown to the user.
2DeniedThe Allow Apps to Request to Track setting is ON, the ATT prompt has been shown to the user, and the user denies authorization to access app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.
The Allow Apps to Request to Track setting is OFF and the ATT prompt cannot be shown to the user.
3AuthorizedThe Allow Apps to Request to Track setting is ON, the ATT prompt has been shown to the user, and the user authorizes access to app-related data that can be used for tracking the user or the device.

For more information about each of the status values for app tracking authorization, see Apple's developer documentation.

  1. ATT update (iOS) trigger

Using the dedicated ATT update trigger, you can be notified as soon as there is a change in a user's ATT status. You'll receive the update information over whichever export option you have set up.

Set up your raw data exports to receive ATT status information

To receive the ATT consent status, you need to make certain changes to your raw data setup. The changes depend upon your current export method: server callbacks or cloud storage exports.

Server callbacks

Single activity callback

Attach the {att_status} placeholder to your callback URL for any activity type that supports this placeholder.

Global callback

The ATT update (iOS) activity type is included by default in the global callback.

In your global callbacks, filter the {activity_kind} for att_update to find information about a user's consent status.

Cloud storage upload

Update your CSV definition to include the {att_status} placeholder for any triger that supports it. Recommended: ATT update (iOS).

Updated attribution callbacks

If a device's ATT status changes to Authorized, Adjust can access the IDFA. This lets us check for a matching engagement to use for attribution. For organic installs, Adjust reruns the attribution. If there is a change in attribution source, Adjust sends updated attribution information in your raw data and an in-app attribution callback on the next event or session.

ATT status change attribution updates apply to iOS 14.5+ devices that are currently attributed as organic installs. To receive attribution update information, make sure you do the following:

If you have not started using the {att_status} placeholder, Adjust has made changes to certain legacy placeholders and metrics to provide user consent status:
  • {tracking_enabled} and {tracking_limited}
  • Limit Ad Tracking KPI