Receive custom event data with partner parameters

Clients can choose to share custom event data that does not appear in Datascape with you. For example, an order_id or transaction_id with a purchase event. You need to append partner parameters to event callbacks to receive this custom data. You can use this data to optimize campaigns that you are running for your clients.

Setup for dynamic partners

You can use partner parameters with install, reattribution, session, and event callbacks.

To receive custom event data from your client, do the following:

  1. Ask your client to set up partner parameters in your app (iOS; Android).
  2. Ask your client to turn on in-app revenue sharing and parameter forwarding in Adjust for you to start receiving partner parameters.
  3. Set up callbacks for any events measured by your client that you have received permission to record. You can use the Adjust encoding tool to generate encoded, error-free callbacks.
  4. Append the {partner_parameters} placeholder to your callback URL. As soon as Adjust servers trigger an event callback, you receive an encoded JSON payload of customized parameters from your client’s SDK.

You are all set!

Setup for integrated ad networks

Adjust integrates with the following types of partners:

  • Ad networks
  • Analytics partners
  • TV networks

If you would like to discuss a potential integration, reach out to your Partnerships Manager or contact us at

As an integrated ad network, you have your callback URL hardcoded in our backend. As soon as your client sets up the network in Campaign Lab, you start receiving callbacks. Learn about the parameters that you receive with your callbacks on your dedicated integrated partner page.

To receive custom event data from your client, do the following:

  1. Ask your client to enable this configuration for you to start receiving partner parameters.
  2. Contact us at if your callback URL does not include the {partner_parameters} placeholder.

You are all set!