Choose data sharing options

In this section, learn how to:

  • Enable data sharing for the network
  • Choose data that you want to share with your network
  • Map events
  • Map SDK parameters to network parameters

All settings in this section are optional.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


  • Network credentials to integrate the network with Adjust. For example:
    • Username - password
    • Token
    • Key
  • Adjust SDK v4.0.0 and later to map SDK parameters to network parameters. Follow the guides linked below to use this feature.

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Networks integrated with Adjust


Data sharing is not available for web platforms. If your app targets multiple platforms, you can configure data sharing only for non-web platforms.

Some networks are integrated with Adjust. For these networks, you need to set up data sharing at the network-level on the Data sharing page.

If you've selected a multi-platform app in the app selection step, you can choose the following data sharing settings on a per-app basis:

Enable data sharing

Sharing data with your network helps them optimize your campaigns. Integrate your network with Adjust to enable data sharing.

  1. Under Enable data sharing, select Edit.
  2. If you've selected a multi-platform app, provide the required network credentials for the platform that you want to enable data sharing. For example:
    • Username - password
    • Token
    • Key
  3. Select Enable.

Set your data sharing options

Once you enable data sharing with your network, your ad network automatically receives some data from Adjust, by default. Additionally, you can choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with your networks through callbacks.

Under Set your data sharing options, follow these steps:

  1. For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you set data sharing options for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
    • Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
    • Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.
  2. Under What sources of data do you want to share?, choose whether you want to share data from all attribution sources (including data attributed to other networks and organic data), or data attributed to your network only.
  3. Under What will be shared by default?, review data points to share with your network by default.
  4. Under What other data you want to share?, choose any additional data points that you want to share with your network. For example:
    • Ad revenue - You can send data from multiple ad revenue sources to networks.
    • Events - You need to map events to share this data.
    • In-app revenue (from in-app purchases) - You need to map events that generate revenue to share this data.
    • Parameters - You usually need to map parameters to share this data.
    • Sessions
    • Uninstalls and reinstalls

Map events

Map events that you want to share to the values your network can receive. Data for unmapped events is not shared with your network.

Map individual events

If you have a multi-platform app, you can choose to share different events per platform with your network. This lets you:

  • Set individual events to manage campaign strategies for each platform.
  • Customize data sharing per platform.

Under Map events, follow these steps to choose the in-app events you want to directly send to your network.

  1. Select Map event.
  2. In the Adjust event list, choose the Adjust event that you want to share with your network.
  3. Under Partner event, you need to select the partner event that corresponds to the Adjust event.
    1. For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you map events for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
      • Select Use platform-specific mapping to map separate events at the platform-level or to not map events for certain platforms.
      • Select Use global mapping to map the same events for all platforms.
    2. In the Partner event list, choose or enter a custom event name, that you want to map the Adjust event to.
  4. Select Apply.

Map all events

If your partner supports mapping all events automatically, under Map events, select Map all events. This saves time in mapping individual events.

Map parameters

If the raw data parameters you collect in the SDK differ from the values supported by your network, you can define mappings so that the network can receive that data.

You can view this section only if you have selected Parameters under Set your data sharing options.

Under Map parameters, you can specify how you want to send partner parameters defined in the SDK to the network:

  1. Select Map parameter.
  2. In the SDK parameter field, enter the name of the SDK parameter you want to share with the network.
  3. In the Partner parameter field, enter the network parameter that corresponds to the SDK parameter.

Networks not integrated with Adjust (Dynamic networks)

Dynamic ad networks receive data through the dynamic callback API from Adjust. You can share ad revenue and custom data through partner parameters with these networks.


You need to enable data sharing at the app-level for dynamic ad networks. This means that your data sharing settings are applicable to all networks that you set up for the app.

To set data sharing for dynamic ad networks, follow these steps:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Search for and select the app that you're setting up the network.
  3. Go to the Data management tab.
  4. Under Dynamic ad network data access, choose the data that you want to share:
    • In-app revenue - Shares in-app revenue with networks through the {revenue} placeholder in the callback.
    • Parameters - Shares partner parameters with networks from your SDK through the {partner_parameters} placeholder in the callback.
  5. Select Save.

➡️ Next: Review your link structure