Record events with Google Tag Manager

Tags are small pieces of code that help integrate third party products into your app. The Google Tag Manager (GTM) lets you control these tags across all of your source files. 

You can use Adjust's server-to-server Google Tag Manager integration to record tags as app events in Adjust. This lets GTM push events from Google's servers to Adjust's endpoints, and saves you the task of duplicating recorded events. 

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


Google Tag Manager event measurement is not compatible with Adjust's S2S Security feature. Using Adjust's S2S authentication tokens in your Google Tag Manager configuration means that incoming Google Tag events are rejected.

Set up event recording in Google Tag Manager

For an in-depth guide to Google Tag Manager setup and advanced configurations, use Google Developers documentation for Android and iOS.

To set up Google Tag Manager event measurement and record your Google Tags as events in Adjust, follow these steps in the GTM dashboard

  1. Log in to your GTM account and select the Container section.
  2. Select Add New Tag, then under Select Tag Type scroll down and add Adjust.
  3. In Tag Configuration, enter your Adjust app token and event tokens.
  4. Check the required configuration settings for revenue events or events you want to record in Adjust’s sandbox environment.
  5. Choose to link callback or partner parameters that are recorded with each tag.
  6. In Triggering, determine which app events will trigger the tag. You can opt to select all events or define rules and/or exceptions.
  7. Select Create Tag.

Well done! Now that you have successfully set up event measurement with GTM, make sure that you are not recording the same events with Adjust. If you are, then you will see duplicated reporting in Adjust.