Set up Amazon Fire

With Adjust's Amazon SAN integration, you can measure the impact of campaigns you run on Amazon Fire devices that drive installs of your Android mobile app.

Here, you can find information about how to connect Adjust to Amazon in the Adjust dashboard, and send Adjust data server-to-server (S2S).


Adjust's integration with Amazon Ads is the latest SAN integration with Amazon. The legacy integration with Amazon Fire is still functional, but will be deprecated in the coming months.

  • We recommend all customers to set up the Amazon Ads integration before disabling the legacy integration to ensure uninterrupted measurement. Be aware that this means you may need to have both integrations active during the transition period.
  • Before you begin


    • An Amazon App ID
      • This is 32 characters long and only includes numbers and lowercase letters.

    What you need to know

    Amazon is a self-attributing network. This means that Adjust sends Amazon data for all of your app's installs and Amazon self-attributes using their own engagement data. Adjust then checks this data to confirm the source of the last engagement.

    Initial setup

    To set up Amazon Fire for your app, follow these steps in Adjust.

    1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
    2. Select New partner.
    3. In the Partner selection screen, choose Amazon Fire, and select Next.
    4. In the App selection screen, choose your app, and select Next.

    Then, set your data sharing options, review your setup, and enable Amazon Fire for your app.

    Data sharing

    Share data with Amazon Fire to optimize your campaigns. In the Data sharing screen, follow these steps.

    Enable data sharing for Amazon Fire

    In the Amazon App ID field, enter your Amazon App ID for that platform. This enabled data sharing with Aamzon.

    • You can find your App ID in your Amazon Developer Console. Following Amazon's instructions, navigate to Security Profile Management, select the Web Settings tab, and copy the App ID from the full Client ID.
      • Client ID example: amzn1.devportal.mobileapp.1234a5b67c8901d2e3456789012f3456
      • App ID example: 1234a5b67c8901d2e3456789012f3456

    Once you enable data sharing, Adjust sends install and reattribution data from all attribution sources, by default. This includes data attributed to Amazon Fire, data attributed to other networks, and organic data. Additionally, you can choose to share the following data with Amazon Fire.

    • Sessions
    • Events

    Map events

    Under each Adjust-recorded in-app event you will see a field with a drop-down menu. Use the dropdown menu to select a predefined Amazon event that maps to your Adjust-recorded event. Custom events cannot be sent.

    • Add to cart
    • Ad start
    • Ad finish
    • App engagement
    • App open
    • Banner interaction
    • Cable authentication
    • Email interaction
    • Email load
    • Game interaction
    • Game load
    • In App refferal
    • Install
    • Level achieved
    • Marketing landing page
    • Other
    • Product purchased
    • Purchase button
    • Subscription button
    • Subscription page
    • Subscription restart
    • Subscription start
    • Survey start
    • Survey finish
    • Trial sign up page
    • Trial start
    • Video start
    • Video finish
    • Widget interaction
    • Widget load

    Server-to-server integration

    Adjust needs to enable this feature for you. Contact your Technical Account Manager or to proceed.

    With Amazon Fire set up as a network in Adjust, you can now set up server-to server integration with Adjust. This means you only send Adjust in-app session and event data through S2S API calls.


    • For details on the requirements for your in-app solution, refer to Adjust's server-to-server attribution checklist.
    • All requests to Adjust servers must be made in the same sequential order they occur on the device.
    • Always include the os_name in your request. This can be:
      • android
      • ios
      • fire-tv
      • roku
      • tizen
      • vizio

    Send sessions

    Sessions are the base of all attribution and measurement in Adjust. They trigger when a user resumes using an app from the background or when they open the app.

    To send Adjust sessions, use our S2S sessions API.


    Send in-app events

    To send Adjust in-app event data, use our S2S events API.


    Supported device identifier

    IDID TypeFormat
    FIRE_ADIDRaw Amazon Fire advertising IDLowercase, with hyphens

    Amazon Fire reporting

    Here's how Amazon campaign data is reported in Adjust:

    • Network = Amazon
    • Campaign = campaign_name
    • Adgroup = ad_name
    • Creative = creative_id

    Export your data

    To get device-level data sent to your BI system for analysis, set up raw data exports.

    You can use the following placeholders to get specific Amazon datapoints in your raw data exports.

    {fire_adid}Fire OS advertising identifier

    Data not shared from Amazon campaigns

    As per our legal agreement with Amazon, Adjust does not provide raw Amazon campaign data on certain activities. This includes data exported via both callbacks and CSV upload. The impacted activities are:

    • Clicks
    • Impressions
    • SAN clicks
    • SAN impressions

    The following services are not affected:

    • Adjust’s ability to measure clicks, impressions, SAN clicks, and SAN impressions.
    • Reporting of aggregated clicks and impressions.
    • Pulling aggregated click and impression data via the Report Service API.
    • Reporting and export of install and post-install raw and aggregated data attributed to Amazon Fire.

    If you have any questions, please contact your Amazon representative.