Set up AdParlor

AdParlor is a SAN campaign manager that manages campaigns for the following self-attributing networks (SANs):

  • Facebook

To run a campaign with a SAN campaign manager, you don't need to create a link. Instead, you need to set up both the SAN whose platform your ads will run on, and the SAN campaign manager who is managing your campaign.

As soon as you start running campaigns with the SAN campaign managers, Adjust shares data for analysis and campaign optimization with both the SAN and SAN campaign manager.


Meta refers to SAN campaign managers as Meta Business Partners.

In this article, learn how to set up measurement with AdParlor for your app. This includes activating the integration and choosing what data Adjust can share with AdParlor.

Before you begin


iOS / Android / Windows / Unity / React Native / Flutter / Adobe Air / Cordova / Marmalade / Xamarin / Cocos2d-x / Titanium / Corona



  • For help finding your credentials, contact your AdParlor representative.

Select AdParlor and app in Campaign Lab

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
  2. Select New partner > AdParlor. Select Next to move to the next screen.
  3. In the App selection screen, choose the app for which you want to set up AdParlor.
  4. Select Next.

Enable data sharing

Enable data sharing to activate the integration with AdParlor. To enable data sharing:

  1. Enter your PARTNER ID.

Once you enable data sharing with AdParlor, Adjust automatically sends AdParlor the following data, by default:

  • install
  • session
  • reattribution
  • event

Set your data sharing options

If you’re working with a multi-platform app with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:

  1. Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
  2. Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.

Now, under What will be shared by default?, review the activities that Adjust shares with AdParlor by default:

  • install
  • session
  • reattribution
  • event

Send additional data

Choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with AdParlor through callbacks. AdParlor may use this information to optimize performance.

To send additional data, you can review and customize the following:

In-app revenue (from in-app purchases)

Sharing in-app revenue lets AdParlor receive revenue amounts along with your revenue event data. You need to map events that generate revenue to share this data.

Map events

Map events that you want to share to the values that AdParlor can receive. Data for unmapped events is not shared with AdParlor.

Under Map events, follow these steps to choose the in-app events you want to directly send to AdParlor.

  1. Select Map event.
  2. In the Adjust event list, choose the Adjust event that you want to share with AdParlor.
  3. In the Partner event list, choose or enter a custom event name that you want to map the Adjust event to. You might have to map an event to several values.
  4. Select Apply.

Now AdParlor will receive in-app event data for each of your linked events.

Enable AdParlor for your app

In the Setup review screen, you can review your choices. You can also go back and make changes to:

  • Your selected app
  • Data sharing options

Select Enable partner to enable AdParlor for your app. This also enables data sharing, if you've set it up.

Set up your campaign with keyword in the AdParlor dashboard

Set up your campaign in the AdParlor dashboard. While setting up the campaign, you need to enter a keyword to the campaign name. Keywords are not case-sensitive.

If you do not add the keyword to the campaign name, Adjust cannot identify the campaigns that you're managing through AdParlor. This means the SAN still receives data for the campaign, but you can't see which campaigns are managed by AdParlor in your reporting and AdParlor will not receive any callbacks from Adjust.

Partner specific setup instructions

Adparlor only receives data on filtered Facebook traffic. This is designed so that you can manage your Adparlor Facebook traffic separately from other Facebook campaigns that you might be running.

Only Facebook campaigns that are named to include the keyword adparlor will be transmitted to Adparlor. That is, you must include the keyword in the campaign name of each campaign that you want to manage with Adparlor. Campaigns that do not include the keyword will not be transmitted to Adparlor.

List of all parameters forwarded to AdParlor

AdParlor requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:

{fb_adgroup_id}Facebook ad ID
{revenue}Revenue, as sent from Adjust SDK in cents
{app_id}Store App ID or Google Play Store
{created_at_hour}Activity timestamp, rounded down to the nearest hour