Choose attribution settings for your app

Your attribution settings define how you consider different user engagements for attribution. These settings are applicable to all links for your app.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


What you need to know


To avoid data discrepancies in Adjust, we recommend setting the same attribution windows across all your app platforms and ad networks for your app.

Attribution settings

To set up or change the attribition settings for an app:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app.
  3. Select the Attribution settings tab.
  4. Select Edit to modify attribution settings for clicks or impressions for new users.
  5. Once you have made your changes, select Save.

Temporary attribution and reattribution

You can set up temporary attribution and reattribution for click-based and impression-based installs and reattributions to measure time-sensitive campaigns.


If you are running your campaign with a network, do NOT change the temporary attribution window of the live link. This may cause the link to expire without notifying the network, and lead to discrepancies.

For installs

Requirement for impression-based temporary attribution

For reattributions

Requirement for click-based temporary reattribution

Requirement for impression-based temporary reattribution

For reattributions, you have to choose one fallback source for events that occur outside of the reattribution window. This fallback source applies to both click-based and impression-based reattribution. You have two fallback choices:

  • Last eligible source: the last attribution source that meets all specified criteria
  • Organic

Changes you make to your fallback option are not applied to existing data. As a result, you can only choose one fallback option for all temporary reattribution settings, and we recommend you keep it permanently. If you change this, your data will have discrepancies.

Reattribution settings

Adjust can reattribute inactive users who return to your app through a retargeting campaign. When you turn on reattribution, you need to choose an inactivity period (how long the user must be away from your app) and a reattribution window (how long a click or impression is eligible for reattribution). Find out more about reattribution.

  1. Select Edit to modify reattribution settings for clicks or impressions for existing users.
  2. Once you have made your changes, select Save.

IMEI attribution

Mobile devices come with an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) and a Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID). You can use an Android device's IMEI and MEID for attribution from devices in China only. If you are unsure about the privacy standards for your area, do not turn on this feature.


  • To turn on IMEI and MEID attribution for your account, reach out to your Technical Account Manager or contact
  • IMEI and MEID attribution requires Adjust Android SDK 4.16.0 and later, and the IMEI plugin.
  • Only users with Admin permissions can review and accept IMEI and MEID terms and conditions.
    • Once your Admin user has accepted the terms and conditions, users with Editor permissions can turn on or turn off IMEI attribution.

For attribution and measurement on devices that do not have access to Google Play Services, use the Open Anonymous Device Identifier (OAID). This is a unique identifier for Android devices.

To turn on IMEI and MEID attribution:

  1. If you have never turned on IMEI attribution for your app, under the IMEI attribution section, review and accept the IMEI and MEID terms and conditions.
  2. Turn on the Enable device matching toggle.
  3. Select Save.

Connected TV attribution

  1. Select Edit to modify attribution settings for impressions when a user views your ad.
  2. Once you have made your changes, select Save.
Attribution methodAttribution window
Cross-device probabilistic modeling6- 72 hours

Attribution privacy model

This step is available for iOS apps only and is optional.

An attribution privacy model lets you control how you handle user data with third parties. Extended Privacy Measurement ensures the highest privacy threshold for all measurement and analysis performed.

To turn on the Extended Privacy Measurement, follow these steps.

  1. Under the Attribution privacy model section, turn on Enable extended privacy measurement.
  2. Select Save.