Manage your ad network setup
Once you've set up your ad network, you can:
- View a list of all ad networks that you've set up.
- Drill down to view or edit campaign, adgroup, and creative levels of the link.
- View a comparison of attribution settings across all your links.
- View and edit your data sharing setup.
Ad networks list
This section provides a list of all ad networks that you've set up. You can access the list by selecting Campaign Lab > Partners. Here you can:
- See a list of all ad networks that you've set up.
- View the number of apps with links for each ad network.
- View the number of apps with data sharing enabled.
- Select an ad network to view an overview of the network-level details of the link.
- Select New link to create a link for this ad network for an app.
- Select New partner to set up an ad network for an app.
Link overview
This section provides details of your ad network setup. Select an ad network from the Partners list to view an overview of the network-level details of a link. The following details are available:
- The name of the app for which the link was set up.
- The network-level name of the link.
- The number of campaigns set up on this link.
- A badge showing the link as:
(spam) - Flagged as a spam link due to click spamming.
(blocklisted) - Blocklisted links using the Blocklist API.
Link structure
This section provides details on how you can drill down into the structure of your link.
- Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
- Select an ad network that you've set up to view the network-level details of the link.
- Under Campaigns, select the campaign number or
(Drill down icon) to drill down into campaign details.
- Under Adgroups, select the adgroup number or
(Drill down icon) to drill down into adgroup details.
- Under Creatives, select the creative number or
(Drill down icon) to drill down into creative details.
Network-level link details
- View the network-level name of the link.
- View the number of configured campaigns.
- Select the network name or
(Edit icon) to view or edit network-level details. You can modify the link structure, user destinations, and attribution settings of the network-level of your link.
- Select
(More icon) to copy the click URL, impression URL, and link token, or download the link as a QR code in the SVG or PNG format.
- If your partner doesn't allow branded domains, browse to the Link URLs tab and select Show additional URLs to copy the default Adjust click URL.
In the accordions below, you can see details that are available for the other link levels.
Attribution settings comparison
This section provides a comparison of attribution settings across all your links for an ad network.
- Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
- Select an ad network that you've set up to view an overview of the network-level details of the link.
- Select Attribution comparison.
Available details
- The name of the app for which the link was set up.
- The values of click and impression attribution for:
- Device matching
- probabilistic modeling
- Temporary attribution
- The values of click and impression reattribution for:
- Inactivity period
- Reattribution window
- Temporary reattribution
- Custom attribution settings are highlighted.
- To modify an attribution setting, select its value and change it. Select Save.
- Select the network-level name to view all attribution settings of the link.
- Select the campaign number or
(Drill down icon) to view or modify a comparison of the attribution settings for the campaign-level of the link.
- From the campaign-level, select the adgroup number or
(Drill down icon) to view or modify a comparison of the attribution settings for the adgroup-level of the link. From the agroup-level, select the creative number or
(Drill down icon) to view or modify a comparison of the attribution settings for the adgroup-level of the link.
- From the campaign-level, select the adgroup number or
Data sharing
This section provides details of your data sharing setup.
- Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
- Select an ad network that you've set up.
- Select the Data sharing tab.
Available details
- The name of the app for which data sharing was set up.
- The sources from which data is shared with the network.
- The data points shared with the network.
- The number of mapped events and parameters.
- The data sharing status (Active or Paused).
- Change data sharing status.
- Select
(Pause icon) to pause sharing data with your network.
- Select
(Resume icon) to start sharing data with your network again.
- Select
- Select
(Edit icon) to modify your data sharing settings.
In Adjust you can choose to hide old or unused links. This helps to keep your view clear and only display the links you are actively using.
Hidden links are removed from view, but remain eligible for attribution.
From the partner overview
To view and manage hidden links for a specific partner:
- Select Campaign Lab > Partners.
- Navigate to your chosen partner and select their name from the Channel list.
- Slide the Show hidden links toggle on.
When the hidden links toggle is active, you can see hidden links added to your list view. They are shown with a hidden icon .
To hide a link for your selected partner:
- Navigate to the link you want to hide.
- Select
- Select Hide link.
From the Link details page
To hide a specific link, you select it from the list to view its details. From the Link URLs tab, you can then select Hide link. The link details remain visible.
From the same view, you can then also select to Unhide link.
Blocklist links
With Adjust's blocklist API, you can block traffic from fraudulent or outdated link URLs. Blocklisted links keep their existing attributions (until the user is reattributed to another link), but aren't able to report new engagements. Blocklisted links still appear in Campaign Lab, but are marked by the (blocklisted) badge.
Clicks and impressions recorded before you blocklist a link stay eligible for attribution. For example, if you set a 7-day attribution window and blocklist a link on day 2, Adjust will still consider engagements from day 1 for attribution.
You can use Adjust's blocklist API to unblocklist link URLs. After you unblocklist a link, you can edit its settings in Campaign Lab, and we'll immediately start recording engagements again. Note that unblocklisting doesn't retroactively apply to your attribution data—Adjust will only consider clicks and impressions after the unblocklisting for attribution.
Adjust can also flag links as (spam) from attributing to fraudulent traffic due to click spam. We do not unblock links flagged due to spam. We also stop reporting new engagements to spam links.