Set up BlueStacks

BlueStacks is an ad network integrated with Adjust. Our integration lets BlueStacks receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks.

In this article, learn how to set up measurement with BlueStacks for your app. This includes activating the integration, creating a campaign link, and choosing what data Adjust can share with BlueStacks.

Before you begin


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Select BlueStacks and your app in Campaign Lab

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
  2. Select New partner > BlueStacks. Select Next to move to the next screen.
  3. In the App selection screen, choose the app for which you want to create the link, and enable the integration to share data with BlueStacks.
  4. Select Next.

Enable data sharing

Enable data sharing to activate the integration with BlueStacks. To enable data sharing:

  1. Turn on Enabled

Once you enable data sharing with BlueStacks, Adjust automatically sends BlueStacks the following data, by default:

  • install

Set your data sharing options

If you’re working with a multi-platform app with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:

  1. Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
  2. Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.

Now, under What will be shared by default?, review the activities that Adjust shares with BlueStacks by default.

  • install

Send additional data

Choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with BlueStacks through callbacks. BlueStacks may use this information to optimize performance.

  1. Under What sources of data do you want to share?, choose the attribution source of the data you are sharing with BlueStacks:
  • Data from all attribution sources
  • Only data attributed to BlueStacks

Configure your link and settings

You have the option to set your:

Create your link and share it with BlueStacks

In the Setup review screen, you can review your choices. You can also go back and make changes to:

  • Your selected app
  • Data sharing options
  • Link structure parameters
  • User destinations
  • Attribution settings

Select Create link to create your click URL, impression URL, QR code and link token. Creating a link also enables data sharing and the integration with BlueStacks.

Once you’ve created your link, share it with BlueStacks for placement in campaigns.

List of all parameters forwarded to BlueStacks

BlueStacks requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:

{adid}Adjust device ID (all platforms)
{android_id}Android ID (Android only)
{country}Device two-character country code
{device_name}Device model number
{gclid}Google click ID
{gps_adid}Google Play Store advertising ID
{idfa}ID for advertisers (iOS only)
{ip_address}Device IP address
{label}Value of the Adjust "label" parameter sent on click
{language}Device two-character language code
{mac_sha1}Uppercase MAC SHA-1 hash
{os_name}Device operating system
{os_version}Operating system version number
{random_user_id}Random user ID (per device)
{referrer}Google Play Store referrer (Android only)
{reftag}Random device reference tag
{session_count}Number of sessions recorded by current Adjust SDK
{timezone}Device time zone
{user_agent}Incoming raw user agent
{app_id}Store App ID or Google Play Store
{app_name}Name of the app
{app_version}App version number (Android), build-version-number for the bundle (iOS)
{click_time}Attributed click timestamp
{connection_type}Internet connection type
{install_begin_time}App download began timestamp (Android and Google Play Store only)
{install_finish_time}App download completion timestamp
{installed_at}Install (i.e., first app open) timestamp
{store}Target store of click