Set up Ocean Engine

Ocean Engine is an ad network integrated with Adjust. Our integration lets Ocean Engine receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks.

In this article, learn how to set up measurement with Ocean Engine for your app. This includes activating the integration, creating a campaign link, and choosing what data Adjust can share with Ocean Engine.

Before you begin


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Select Ocean Engine and your app in Campaign Lab

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
  2. Select New partner > Ocean Engine. Select Next to move to the next screen.
  3. In the App selection screen, choose the app for which you want to create the link, and enable the integration to share data with Ocean Engine.
  4. Select Next.

Enable data sharing

Enable data sharing to activate the integration with Ocean Engine. To enable data sharing:

  1. Turn on Enabled

Once you enable data sharing with Ocean Engine, Adjust automatically sends Ocean Engine the following data, by default:

  • installs (attributed only)
  • event (attributed only)

Set your data sharing options

If you’re working with a multi-platform app with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:

  1. Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
  2. Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.

Now, under What will be shared by default?, review the activities that Adjust shares with Ocean Engine by default.

  • installs (attributed only)
  • event (attributed only)

Send additional data

Choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with Ocean Engine through callbacks. Ocean Engine may use this information to optimize performance.

  1. Under What sources of data do you want to share?, choose the attribution source of the data you are sharing with Ocean Engine:
  • Data from all attribution sources
  • Only data attributed to Ocean Engine

Map events

Map events that you want to share to the values that Ocean Engine can receive. Data for unmapped events is not shared with Ocean Engine.

Map individual events

If you have a multi-platform app, you can choose to share different events per platform with Ocean Engine. This lets you:

  • Set individual events to manage campaign strategies for each platform.
  • Customize data sharing per platform.

Under Map events, follow these steps to choose the in-app events you want to directly send to Ocean Engine.

  1. Select Map event.
  2. In the Adjust event list, choose the Adjust event that you want to share with Ocean Engine.
  3. Under Partner event, you need to select the Ocean Engine event that corresponds to the Adjust event.
    1. For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you map events for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
      • Select Use platform-specific mapping to map separate events at the platform-level or to not map events for certain platforms.
      • Select Use global mapping to map the same events for all platforms.
    2. In the Partner event list, choose or enter a custom event name, that you want to map the Adjust event to.
  4. Select Apply.

Now Ocean Engine will receive in-app event data for each of your linked events.

Map all events

If Ocean Engine supports mapping all events automatically, under Map events, select Map all events. This saves time in mapping individual events.

Now Ocean Engine will receive in-app event data for all your linked events.

Configure your link and settings

You have the option to set your:

Create your link and share it with Ocean Engine

In the Setup review screen, you can review your choices. You can also go back and make changes to:

  • Your selected app
  • Data sharing options
  • Link structure parameters
  • User destinations
  • Attribution settings

Select Create link to create your click URL, impression URL, QR code and link token. Creating a link also enables data sharing and the integration with Ocean Engine.

Once you’ve created your link, share it with Ocean Engine for placement in campaigns.

Partner specific setup instructions

Ocean Engine has predefined events to link, please enter the Event Name (English) within the Event Linking.

  • Here are main predefined Ocean Engine event names, please refer to their official website for full list.
Event name in Chinese
Event to linkComment注册active_register用户在推广的应用/落地页场景下完成注册(手机号/微信等)行为,具体注册形式取决于广告主业务模式,如:招商加盟行业,用户下载app后完成注册行为;游戏行业,用户下载游戏后完成激活+注册;电商行业,完成注册付费active_pay用户在推广的应用/落地页场景下发生交易并完成至少一笔付款,具体支付形式取决于广告主业务模式表单提交form用户在页面内完成表单填写并提交有效咨询consult_effective一般指用户点击“在线咨询”,通过IM向商户进行有效咨询,发言≥1条,广告主也可自定义有效的标准。次留next_day_open激活且在第二天内打开app有效获客customer_effective提交线索的用户进一步完成了一次有价值的行为,具体行为取决于广告主业务模式,如预约到店,完成授权,完成支付等App内下单in_app_order用户进入电商平台APP,并完成提交订单行为App内加购物车in_app_cart用户将商品加入购物车App内付费in_app_pay用户完成商品下单并完成付款App内访问in_app_uv用户成功打开访问应用打开并访问通常考核吊起打开,不考核活动/商品 uv/pv关键行为game_addiction用户在推广的应用/落地页场景下发生的关键行为/行为集合,具体行为取决于广告主业务模式。如:商务服务行业的用户下载激活app后提交简历,房地产行业的用户有看房意向;游戏行业的用户在游戏内发生关键行为或行为组合等App内详情页到站UVin_app_detail_uv浏览重点页面,比如商品页、活动页、文章等考核活动/商品页面uv/pv

List of all parameters forwarded to Ocean Engine

Ocean Engine requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:

{idfa}ID for advertisers (iOS only)
{os_name}Device operating system
{revenue}Revenue, as sent from Adjust SDK in cents
{activity_kind}Type of user activity
{created_at}Activity timestamp
{oaid}OAID device ID