Set up 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads
鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads is an ad network integrated with Adjust. Our integration lets 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads receive attribution and in-app event data through automated callbacks.
In this article, learn how to set up measurement with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads for your app. This includes activating the integration, creating a campaign link, and choosing what data Adjust can share with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
Before you begin
- Admin, Editor, or Custom Editor permissions in Adjust.
- Adjust SDK v4.0.0 and later to map SDK parameters to 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads parameters. Follow the guides linked below to use this feature.
iOS | Android | Windows | Unity | React Native | Flutter | Adobe Air | Cordova | Marmalade | Xamarin | Cocos2d-x | Titanium | Corona
- For help finding your credentials, contact your 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads representative.
In your 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads dashboard:
Click on Tools → Analytics association → New association
Select "Adjust" as the Tool Provider and fill in the tracking URL.
Then you will find Petal Ads secretKey.
Select 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads and your app in Campaign Lab
- Under Campaign Lab, select Partners.
- Select New partner > 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads. Select Next to move to the next screen.
- In the App selection screen, choose the app for which you want to create the link, and enable the integration to share data with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
- Select Next.
Enable data sharing
Enable data sharing to activate the integration with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads. To enable data sharing:
- Enter your SecretKey.
Once you enable data sharing with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads, Adjust automatically sends 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads the following data, by default:
- installs (attributed only)
- event (attributed only)
Set your data sharing options
If you’re working with a multi-platform app with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
- Separate data sharing options at the platform-level by selecting Use platform-specific settings.
- Set the same data sharing settings for multiple platforms by selecting Use global settings.
Now, under What will be shared by default?, review the activities that Adjust shares with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads by default.
- installs (attributed only)
- event (attributed only)
Send additional data
Choose the amount and type of data that you want to share with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads through callbacks. 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads may use this information to optimize performance.
Map events
Map events that you want to share to the values that 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads can receive. Data for unmapped events is not shared with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
Map individual events
If you have a multi-platform app, you can choose to share different events per platform with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads. This lets you:
- Set individual events to manage campaign strategies for each platform.
- Customize data sharing per platform.
Under Map events, follow these steps to choose the in-app events you want to directly send to 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
- Select Map event.
- In the Adjust event list, choose the Adjust event that you want to share with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
- Under Partner event, you need to select the 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads event that corresponds to the Adjust event.
- For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you map events for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
- Select Use platform-specific mapping to map separate events at the platform-level or to not map events for certain platforms.
- Select Use global mapping to map the same events for all platforms.
- In the Partner event list, choose or enter a custom event name, that you want to map the Adjust event to.
- For single platform apps and multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for a single platform only, you map events for that platform only. For multi-platform apps with data sharing enabled for multiple platforms, you can:
- Select Apply.
Now 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads will receive in-app event data for each of your linked events.
Map all events
If 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads supports mapping all events automatically, under Map events, select Map all events. This saves time in mapping individual events.
Now 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads will receive in-app event data for all your linked events.
Configure your link and settings
You have the option to set your:
Create your link and share it with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads
In the Setup review screen, you can review your choices. You can also go back and make changes to:
- Your selected app
- Data sharing options
- Link structure parameters
- User destinations
- Attribution settings
Select Create link to create your click URL, impression URL, QR code and link token. Creating a link also enables data sharing and the integration with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads.
Once you’ve created your link, share it with 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads for placement in campaigns.
Partner specific setup instructions
Before going live, you will need to execute a conversion test at the very beginning.
Once the conversion test is successful, you will see “Activated“ status in the Petal Ads dashboard.
List of all parameters forwarded to 鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads
鲸鸿动能 | Petal Ads requires Adjust to send the following parameters (data points) with your callbacks:
Placeholder | Information |
{ip_address} | Device IP address |
{tracking_enabled} | 1 if tracking is enabled, 0 if not |
{created_at_milli} | Activity timestamp with millisecond placeholders |
{created_at} | Activity timestamp |
{oaid_md5} | OAID MD5 hash |