SKAdNetwork raw data exports

Adjust makes it easy to send raw, user-level data to your servers or cloud storage provider. This allows you to build your own database without ever having to request logs. For detailed guidance on raw data setup, best practices, and custom configurations, see our guides to server callbacks and cloud storage uploads.

How it works

Configure your raw data exports to export SKAdNetwork information for each device. You can use this information to measure different user behavior in your app. Adjust supports placeholders for multiple activities you may want to measure:

  • In-app event: Returns a conversion value corresponding to an event the user triggers in the app.
  • SKAdNetwork install: Returns SKAdNetwork install information from the winning network.
  • SKAdNetwork direct install: Returns SKAdNetwork install information directly from the device.
  • SKAdNetwork event: Returns more detailed information about an event the user triggers in the app. This information is only available to events you have mapped in your conversion value configuration.
  • SKAdNetwork qualifier: Returns a value letting you know if the engagement was awarded attribution by SKAdNetwork.
  • SKAdNetwork CV update: Returns information to help you identify which conversion value updates made it to the device, are pending, or are out-of-time delivered.

SKAN placeholders

To make it easier to navigate the many placeholders available for SKAdNetwork data, we have separated them into two grous. SKAN Essentials are what we consider the main placeholders that are applicable to almost all marketers. SKAN Advanced are placeholders specific to add-on features, such as conversion value update monitoring or Predictive Lifetime Value.

For a full list of our placeholders, descriptions, and their data types, see our placeholders page for Marketers.

SKAN Essentials

SKAN Advanced


There are various differences in how SKAN 4 works compared to earlier SKAN versions. You can use the following placeholders to receive information from SKAN 4 postbacks in your raw data.

{sk_coarse_conversion_value}A coarse conversion value which can take on values low, medium, high. Appears if the app provides one, and depending on crowd anonymity tier.
{sk_postback_sequence_index}The possible integer values of 0, 1, and 2 signify the order of postbacks that result from the three measurement windows. Available for Version 4 and later.
{sk_source_domain}The item identifier of the website that displayed the ad.
{sk_source_identifier}Equivalent of campaign ID provided when displaying the ad for SKAD4.

You can also use the Crowd Anonymity Tier dimensions to break your data down and get insight into how many of your SKAN conversions were part of each of Apple's four crowd anonymity tiers.

Dashboard setup

To set up raw data exports for SKAdNetwork activities, follow these steps.

  1. Under AppView, select Apps.
  2. Find and select your app from list.
  3. Navigate to the Data management tab.
  4. Select whether to proceed with Server callbacks or CSV uplaods. Follow the guides below for detailed instructions: