Activity: SKAdNetwork install

To receive SKAdNetwork install attribution updates in your raw data, use the SKAdNetwork install activity type.

This callback activity forwards information from Apple's install validation postback. The postback is sent to the network after a user installs and opens an app, and cannot be sent to Adjust or app publishers directly.

How does Apple version install validation postbacks?

❌ - The SKAdNetwork install activity is not included in your global callback. 

Depending upon your data export method, update your CSV definition or callback URL with the supported placeholders in the table below.

Supported placeholders

PlaceholderDefinitionExample values
{sk_ts}A Unix timestamp (in seconds) of when the original postback was received by the ad network.1403568849
{sk_payload}The complete SKAdNetwork payload received from Apple.

Note: The URL is encoded in your callbacks, but not in CSV uploads.
Encoded URL:

{sk_version}The postback version sent to the ad network.2.0
{sk_network_id}The ad network identifier.123456789x.skadnetwork
{sk_campaign_id}The campaign ID provided when displaying the ad.42
{sk_transaction_id}A unique value for this validation; use this for deduplicating install validation messages.6aafb7a5-0170-41b5-bbe4-fe71dedf1e28
{sk_app_id}The item identifier of the advertised product.525463029
{sk_attribution_signature}Apple’s attribution signature.ABCDGBdK%2BUupx6rZA2XO%2B6c0nYUhEg3dm%2BXIFAIZALqlLLnCh7ZFhI2fFPG4PF9wlVGJpKAL%2Fw%3D%3D
{sk_invalid_signature}A validation of the SKAdNetwork install postback from the ad network.

For an invalid postback, the return value is 1. For a valid postback, the return value is 0.
{sk_redownload}A Boolean flag [1/0] showing if the customer redownloaded and reinstalled the app.

A redownload is determined by the Apple ID. After an app install is available in an Apple ID's purchase history, Apple considers any subsequent installs of that app as a redownload.
{sk_fidelity_type}A value of 0 indicates a view-through ad presentation; a value of 1 indicates a StoreKit-rendered (click) ad.0
{sk_source_app_id}The item identifier of the app that displayed the ad

Note: The source app ID appears only if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold.
{sk_conversion_value}The conversion value number, which is an integer between 0-63

Note: The conversion value appears only if the installed app provides it, and if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold.
{sk_did_win}Shows whether the ad engagement won the attribution or if it qualified for it.

A value of 1 indicates that the network won the attribution for the install or reinstall.

A value of 0 indicates that the network had a qualifying ad engagement, but did not win the attribution for the install or reinstall. 
{sk_coarse_conversion_value}A coarse conversion value which can take on values low, medium, high. Appears if the app provides one, and depending on crowd anonymity tier.high
{sk_postback_sequence_index}The possible integer values of 0, 1, and 2 signify the order of postbacks that result from the three measurement windows. Available for Version 4 and later.2
{sk_source_domain}The item identifier of the website that displayed the
{sk_source_identifier}Equivalent of campaign ID provided when displaying the ad for SKAD4.5329
{network_name}Network name as it appears in the extended SKAdNetwork postback.Currently this only populates for Snapchat.
{campaign_name}Campaign name as it appears in the extended SKAdNetwork postback.Christmas
{adgroup_name}Adgroup name as it appears in the extended SKAdNetwork postback.Reindeers
{creative_name}Creative name as it appears in the extended SKAdNetwork postback.320x70_en
{activity_kind}Type of user activity.sk_install
{tracker}A six character Adjust tracker token.abc123
{ip_address}Device IP address as it appears in the SKAdNetwork postback.
{user_agent}Incoming raw user agent as it appears in the SKAdNetwork postback.Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Linux%3B+U%3B+iOS...
{partner}An extension of the pre-agreed identifier with networks, showing the name of the partner as stored in the Adjust database.facebook
{country}A two character code identifying the country of the device.

Note: This can only be determined on devices running iOS 14.5 and earlier, and only if the IP address is included in the SKAdNetwork postback.
{random}Random number (unique per callback).825884036
{nonce}Random lowercase alphanumeric string (unique per callback).cncf378yd