SKAdNetwork for partners

SKAdNetwork is Apple’s own attribution framework for app install and reinstall attribution without access to user-level data. This means that Apple performs attribution and notifies the network only if an attribution took place. Networks can then send a postback with the data to Adjust. Adjust aggregates and reports the data from all ad networks that an advertiser runs campaigns with. 

For access to the SKAdNetwork, you need to first register with Apple. Next, developers must ensure that their apps are compatible with your network and the SKAdNetwork framework.

How it works

The SKAdNetwork leverages App Store download data to perform attribution. This means there is no device-level data recorded or shared, and that SKAdNetwork data is separate to data recorded by Adjust.  

Depending on which version of SKAdNetwork you are working with, Apple's postbacks will change. This is because from SKAN 4, Apple changes certain aspects of how reporting ad attributions works.

To learn more, you can read our marketer-focused documentation on how SKAN 4 works.

For in-depth information on how to work with all versions of SKAN, use Apple's developer documentation:

No matter which SKAdNetwork version you work with, Apple does not share SKAN attribution data in real-time. To ensure user privacy, there is always an enforced period between an install and the postback that you receive with attribution data.