Partner connections

In Connections, you can connect Adjust to different partners for additional reporting services. This lets Adjust pull data from the connected partner to display alongside Adjust-recorded data, giving you a comprehensive view of your data.

Available services

Ad RevenueConnect this service to see mobile ad revenue and the real lifetime value of your users in Adjust.Ad Revenue
Ad SpendConnect this service to see the amount of money spent on specific ad variations within a campaign or ad set in your reports.SpendWorks Base, Core, Enterprise, or Custom package
Aggregated Ad RevenueAggregated ad revenue is impersonal data. It has ad revenue data broken down by date, app, and country, but not by an ad campaign and its components. Connect this service to start populating aggregated ad revenue in your reports.Ad Revenue
AudiencesConnect this service to share user lists and audience segments directly with eligible partners.Adjust Growth Solution
Bids and BudgetsConnect this service to update bids and budget of campaigns.Adjust Growth Solution
Cloud Service (Export data)Connect this service to export Reports Service reports (Automate reports) to cloud services.Upon request
iOS App VerificationConnect this service to verify your app ID with App Store Connect and set up conversion values for SKAdNetwork campaigns.All
Purchase VerificationConnect this service to see verification data for in-app purchase events in the Adjust database. Adjust Growth Solution
SKAdNetworkConnect this service to receive SKAN postbacks from partners, such as Facebook, Google, ironSource and Twitter) that don't send that automatically.All
SubscriptionConnect this service to measure data from subscription events. Only for customers previously using the Subscription Growth Solution
Uninstall DetectionConnect this service to start measuring Android uninstall and reinstall data.All

Supported partner connections

The following table provides a complete list of partners you can connect to, available services, and data retention period.