Set up your app in Adjust

You can add and set up a new app at any time - even before releasing it in an app store! Watch the demo or use the links provided below to get started adding and managing your apps.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


  • Admin, Editor, or Custom Editor permissions
    • You can add and set up app if you have Admin permissions. Users with Editor or Custom Editor permissions can set up most features of an app. If you face any issues, reach out to your Technical Account Manager or contact

Get started

To get started with adding and setting up an app, follow these steps.

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select New app.
  3. Under Enter your app details, enter your app name, choose your reporting currency, and check if your app needs to comply with COPPA. Under App information, you can customize how all links for your app will appear when shared on social media apps.
  4. Select Add platform to connect a platform to your app.
  5. On the Events tab, add an in-app event name to measure user activity in your app.
  6. On the Attribution settings tab, set attribution settings (for device matching, probabilistic modeling, and temporary attribution) and reattribution settings.
  7. On the SDK integration tab, review your setup, send SDK implementation guides to your developers, access the SDKs on GitHub, or use the Testing Console.
  8. (iOS apps only) On the SKAdNetwork tab, request verification of your app, and then go ahead and map conversion values.
  9. On the Data management tab, set up server callbacks or cloud storage uploads to receive raw, user-level data, or use the Testing console to see test device data. You can also set up dynamic ad networks to share in-app revenue and parameter data.
  10. On the Protection tab, set up fraud prevention, data privacy, SDK signature, and S2S security. You can also view your data residency setup here.