Test your callbacks

Before you launch your campaign, test your callback URLs to make sure they work as expected.

Before you begin

Download the Adjust Insights app and copy the advertising ID of your device.


Before you test a live campaign link, you need to make sure you are sending a new install to Adjust. To do this, ensure you do one of the following:

Test attribution with the campaign link

Testing your campaign links ensures that you receive attribution information and that callbacks trigger as expected. To test your links, follow these steps:

  1. Request a link from your client and add your encoded install callback URL to it. Dynamic partners need to append the callback URL to the campaign link.
  2. If you've integrated with Campaign Lab, the campaign link contains the install callback URL.
  3. Add the device's advertising ID to the end of the campaign link (for deterministic matching) as seen below:
    • iOS: https://app.adjust.com/pthdmn2?idfa=AC336E89-3144-4CA3-A801-E90F38E9ADE2...
    • Android: https://app.adjust.com/pthdmn2?gps_adid=0d9ca8ff-e9ea-4941-a927-53851df0b304...
  4. Select the encoded URL. You'll be redirected to the app store.
  5. Install the app from the relevant store and open the app.
  6. Trigger events if event callbacks are appended and need to be tested.
  7. Adjust attributes your device to the campaign link when you install and open the app for the first time. That's when your callback is triggered.
  8. Check that you received data according to the placeholders that you appended in the callback.
  9. Ask the advertiser to check the testing console to see if the install was recorded and attributed. The advertiser can check their data in Datascape.

Attribution information may take up to 30 minutes to appear in Adjust.

If you experience any issues while testing your callback URLs, contact integration@adjust.com.