Audience Builder


Our classic dashboard was sunset on March 29, 2024. All Adjust customers should switch to Audiences to start building your custom user lists. For existing customers using Audience Builder, you can continue to access it until May 31, 2024. To access Audience Builder from Adjust Audiences, select Go to classic Audience Builder next to the + New Audience button and follow the instructions.

Audience Builder lets you build, download, and share customized user lists—right from your Adjust dashboard. Set conditions to segment users, then create group lists to share with partners for retargeting campaigns, A/B testing, and more. 

Growth solution:
Audience Builder is available as an Adjust Growth Solution. To get Audience Builder on your account, contact

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


  • Admins and Editors.

Helpful information

  • Audience Builder user data doesn't include personally identifiable information—it's privacy compliant and stored separately from other Adjust reporting.
  • Audiences can combine users from multiple Adjust-tracked apps.

Audience Builder basics

Audiences are custom user lists that segment users based on conditions like device type, install date, app activity, and more. They update in real time, so you can always access an up-to-date user list of advertising IDs or push tokens.

Use Audience Builder to:

  • Segment users across all of your apps.
  • Share custom user lists with networks.
  • Conduct A/B campaign tests.
  • Measure network performance.
  • Avoid paying multiple networks to target the same users.

You can divide audiences into up to 10 groups. Every group contains unique users, and you can customize the percentage of users within each group.

Build an audience

Use this link to share the video. To build an audience, follow these steps.

  1. Select MENU > Audience Builder > Build an audience (or NEW AUDIENCE if you've already built an audience).
  2. Enter your audience name.
  3. Select your store and ID type.
  4. Select one or more of your apps.
  5. Select as many conditions as you want. Be sure to confirm each condition (select the checkmark) before adding another.
  6. Select NEXT.
  7. Divide your audience into 1-10 groups. You can name groups and customize the percentage of users within each group.
  8. Select Create.

Well done! Now you can download your audience data or share your user lists with networks.

The user icon in the top right shows how many users fit into your current audience conditions.

Edit an audience

You can edit an audience after an audience has been created. If your existing audience has been linked to any partners, you first need to unlink the audience before you can edit it. You can also choose to erase all audience history from any linked partners when you unlink the audience.

To edit an audience:

  1. Select MENU > Audience Builder
  2. Select the caret (^) on an audience to expand the audience options.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Select Unlink audience only or Unlink & erase all audience history from (#) partners.

Well done! You can now edit the audience. The process from here is identical to building an audience.

Your audience will be unlinked from every partner it is linked to. If your audience has not been linked, selecting edit will skip the unlink audience prompt.

Download or share an audience

After you build an audience, Adjust automatically creates a URL for each of its groups. You can use these URLs to download (or let your partners download) a CSV file list of all the users in each group.

To download or share your audience data, follow these steps.​

  1. Select MENU > Audience Builder.
  2. Select the caret (^) on an audience to expand the audience options.
  3. Select Details.
  4. Find the group you want to download or share and select Copy (clipboard icon) to copy its URL.

All done! Now you can use a download tool like Wget to programmatically scrape audience data. 

Ready to share custom user lists with retargeting partners? Just send them the group URL. Anyone with the link can download audience data (including all device identifiers) for that group. 

Stop sharing an audience

To stop sharing an audience with a partner, you need to reset the group URL. This replaces the current group link with a new one, and anyone still using the old link will lose access to that user list.

To reset your group URL, follow these steps.

  1. Select MENU > Audience Builder.
  2. Select the caret (^) on an audience to expand the audience options.
  3. Select Details.
  4. Select Settings (gear icon) for the group you want to update.
  5. Select Reset link.

Now that you have reset your group URL, you can share the new link with another network or partner.

If your group is linked to a partner (e.g., Meta), you need to re-link it after resetting the group URL.


Use conditions to filter the users in your audience by app status, attribution type, and more. For example, if you only want your audience to include organic users from China or France, set Attributions to organic and Countries to China and France. You can set any number or combination of conditions.

Here are the available conditions: 

AppsRequired condition
Trackers (network level)Available when only one app is selected
EventsAvailable when only one app is selected
Event count
App StatusAvailable with uninstall and reinstall tracking
Uninstall TimeAvailable when App Status isUninstalled
Reinstall TimeAvailable when App Status is Reinstalled
Device Types 
Install Time 
Last Session 
Last Event TimeAvailable when only one app is selected
Revenue Events 
Total Time Spent 
Total RevenueAvailable if all selected apps use the same currency

Every user in your audience will meet all of your set conditions. For example, if you set App Status to Reinstalled and Revenue Events to More than 3, then your audience will only include users who reinstalled your app and triggered more than 3 revenue events.

To make edits, hover over any condition and select Edit (gear icon). To delete the condition, select Delete (trash icon).


Expressions are parameters for conditions. You can filter your audience data with the following expressions: 

IncludeEvery user in your audience must meet this specific condition.

Example: if Events includes Purchase, then your audience won't include data for any other events.
ExcludeNone of the users in your audience can meet this specific condition, even if they meet other conditions.

Example: if Countries is Japan but Apps excludes ExampleApp, then your audience won't include ExampleApp users in Japan.
Less than / More than / ExactThese expressions let you set quantitative conditions.

Examples using the Revenue Events condition:
  • Less than 3 - only include users who triggered 0, 1, or 2 revenue events
  • More than 3 - only include users who triggered 4 or more revenue events
  • Exact 3 - only include users who triggered 3 revenue events
Before / SinceThese expressions let you set date-based conditions.

Examples using the Install Time condition:
  • Before 2019-10-30 - only include users who installed through 2019-10-29
  • Since 2019-10-30 - only include users who installed on or after 2019-10-31

Audience Builder FAQs

How often do audience CSV files update?

Why can't I select certain conditions with multiple apps?

Does my audience include users that have enabled LAT?

When exporting audiences to Google Ads