
Audiences lets you build, download, and share customized user lists—right from Campaign Lab. Set conditions to segment users, then create group lists to share with partners for retargeting campaigns, A/B testing, and more. These user lists do not include personally identifiable information — they're privacy compliant and stored separately from other Adjust reporting.

Growth solution:
Audiences is available as an Adjust Growth Solution. To get Audiences on your account, contact

Use Audiences to:

  • Segment users across all of your apps.
  • Share custom user lists with networks.
  • Conduct A/B campaign tests.
  • Measure network performance.
  • Avoid paying multiple networks to target the same users.

Create an audience

Audiences are custom user lists that segment users based on conditions like device type, install date, app activity, and more. They update in real time, so you can always access an up-to-date user list of advertising IDs or push tokens.

You can divide audiences into up to 10 groups. Every group contains unique users, and you can customize the percentage of users within each group.

To create an audience, follow these steps.

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Audiences.
  2. Select New audience.
  3. Enter your audience name.
  4. Select one of the following stores:
    • Apple Store
    • Google Play
  5. Select one of the following ID types:
    • Advertising ID
    • Push token
  6. Select one or more of your apps. Users of the selected apps are included in your audience.
    • If you select multiple apps, some conditions won’t be available and you won’t be able to share this audience with Google Ads accounts.
  7. Choose as many dimensions as you want to filter your audience.
    • Skip this step if you want to include the entire user list of your selected apps.
  8. Next, divide your audience into 1-10 groups. You can name groups and customize the percentage of users within each group.
  9. Review your choices, and make any changes as necessary. Select Create Audience.

Well done! Now you can view your audience settings or share your user lists with partners.

Filter your audience


Use conditions to filter the users in your audience by app status, attribution type, and more. For example, if you only want your audience to include organic users from China or France, set Attributions to organic and Countries to China and France. You can set any number or combination of conditions.

Here are the available conditions: 

AppsRequired condition
Links (network level)Available when only one app is selected
EventsAvailable when only one app is selected
Event count-
Countries -
App StatusAvailable with uninstall and reinstall measurement
Uninstall TimeAvailable when App Status isUninstalled
Reinstall TimeAvailable when App Status is Reinstalled
Device Types -
Install Time -
Last Session
Last Event TimeAvailable when only one app is selected
Attributions -
Revenue Events -
Total Time Spent -
Total RevenueAvailable if all selected apps use the same currency

Every user in your audience will meet all of your set conditions. For example, if you set App Status to Reinstalled and Revenue Events to More than 3, then your audience will only include users who reinstalled your app and triggered more than 3 revenue events.


Expressions are parameters for conditions. You can filter your audience data with the following expressions: 

IncludeEvery user in your audience must meet this specific condition.

Example: if Events includes Purchase, then your audience won't include data for any other events.
ExcludeNone of the users in your audience can meet this specific condition, even if they meet other conditions.

Example: if Countries is Japan but Apps excludes ExampleApp, then your audience won't include ExampleApp users in Japan.
Less than / More than / ExactThese expressions let you set quantitative conditions.

Examples using the Revenue Events condition:
  • Less than 3 - Only include users who triggered 0, 1, or 2 revenue events
  • More than 3 - Only include users who triggered 4 or more revenue events
  • Exact 3 - Only include users who triggered 3 revenue events
Before / SinceThese expressions let you set date-based conditions.

Examples using the Install Time condition:
  • Before 2019-10-30 - Only include users who installed up to and including 2019-10-29
  • Since 2019-10-30 - Only include users who installed on or after 2019-10-31

Manage an audience

The audience details page provides complete information about the selected audience. You can view the following information about an audience:

  • Audience name
  • Date the audience was created and last edited
  • Audience size estimate - Provides an estimate of the number of users in the audience, and the time when the estimate was updated. Select Re-estimate to update the audience size again.
  • Audience settings, such as apps, store, ID type, and selected conditions to build the audience
  • Number of groups, percentage of users in each group, and the URL to share audience groups with different partners

Edit an audience

You can edit an audience after an audience has been created.

If you have shared an existing audience group with any partners, you first need to stop sharing the audience group before you can edit it.

To edit an audience, follow these steps.

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Audiences.
  2. In the Audiences list, select an audience to view its details.
  3. To change the audience name, select (Edit) next to the audience name.
  4. To edit audience settings, select Edit audience. You can modify the following basic settings of the audience:
    • Apps
    • Store
    • ID type
    • Conditions
    • Groups

Delete an audience

To delete an audience, follow these steps.

  1. Under Campaign Lab, select Audiences.
  2. In the Audiences list, select an audience to view its details.
  3. Select (Delete) to delete the audience.
If you had shared the audience with a partner, you need to inform the partner to delete it from their dashboard.


How often do audience CSV files update?

Why can't I select certain conditions with multiple apps?

Does my audience include users that have enabled LAT?