Adjust payload structure

Use the Adjust payload structure to send information from the SKAdNetwork payload and any additional information to Adjust.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


Ensure that you receive the SKAdNetwork payload from Apple with the following parameters:

  • version
  • ad-network-id
  • campaign-id
  • transaction-id
  • app-id
  • attribution-signature
  • redownload
  • source-app-id
  • conversion-value
  • fidelity-type (SKAdNetwork version 2.2 and later)
  • did-win (iOS 14.6 and later, SKAdNetwork version 3.0)
  • coarse-conversion-value (iOS 16.1 and later, SKAdNetwork version 4.0)
  • source-identifier (iOS 16.1 and later, SKAdNetwork version 4.0)
  • postback-sequence-index (iOS 16.1 and later, SKAdNetwork version 4.0)


  "version" : "2.2",
  "ad-network-id" : "com.example",
  "campaign-id" : 42,
  "transaction-id" : "6aafb7a5-0170-41b5-bbe4-fe71dedf1e28",
  "app-id" : 525463029,
  "attribution-signature" : "MEYCIQDTuQ1Z4Tpy9D3aEKbxLl5J5iKiTumcqZikuY/AOD2U7QIhAJAaiAv89AoquHXJffcieEQXdWHpcV8ZgbKN0EwV9/sY",
  "redownload": true,
  "source-app-id": 1234567891,
  "fidelity-type": 1,
  "conversion-value": 20,
  "did-win": true
  "coarse-conversion-value": "high" 
  "postback-sequence-index": 0
  "source-identifer": "5239"

Create the Adjust payload structure

In order to simplify data mapping between you and Adjust, you need to append supported Adjust camapign parameters to the SKAdNetwork endpoint and send SKAdNetwork install postbacks to Adjust.

Follow these steps to create the Adjust payload structure:

  1. Append the value of sk_network_token to the endpoint, and then append the supported Adjust campaign parameters. You need to ensure that all parameters are populated in the SKAdnetwork install postback request.

  2. Use the HTTP GET method to send information to Adjust.

Adjust receives the following information:


Here, sk_payload is the complete, encoded SKAdNetwork payload as received from Apple.

sk_ts is the UNIX timestamp (in seconds) at which you received the original postback from Apple. If the value of sk_ts is empty, then Adjust falls back to the time at which we received the postback from you.

user_agent is the user agent from the SKAdNetwork payload. However, we recommend that you send the actual browser user agent. For example: Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; ja-jp) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5