SKAN v3 mapping API

The mapping endpoint returns information about an advertiser's conversion value mapping. Network partners may fetch this information at any time by making a GET request to the endpoint.


GET request

Returns mapping information as a JSON object. Each GET request must contain the following parameters.

ParameterData typeInDescription
sk_network_token*StringPathPartner-specific token assigned by Adjust.

Example: abcdefklmn
app_store_id*StringPathThe App Store ID of the app.

Example: 1125517808


The mapping endpoint returns a JSON object containing metadata relating to the app and an array of mapped conversion values. Each value is described separately.


Response metadata parameters

FieldData typeDescription
app_store_idStringThe App Store ID of the app. Matches the app_store_id parameter sent in the request.
updated_atNumberThe Unix timestamp of the latest mapping change visible to the partner making the request.
cut_off_periodNumberThe Conversion Value cut-off setting of the app. Value is displayed in hours.
reporting_currencyStringThe ISO 4217 currency code of the app's reporting currency. Applies to all revenue amounts defined in the mapping schema.

Response Conversion Value fields

The mapping endpoint returns mapping information for conversion values which have at least one partner event after sharing settings and event linking are applied. See API behavior for more information.

The mapping endpoint returns a breakdown of each mapped conversion value and its associated details.

               "event_name": "Purchase",
               "count_min": 3,
               "count_max": 10,
               "revenue_min": 3.000,
               "revenue_max": 10.000
            { "event_name": "Registration" }

Event count and revenue ranges are optional parameters that are returned depending on how the advertiser has configured partner access. The following details may be mapped:

  • Session
  • Session count
  • Event
  • Event count
  • Event revenue
  • IAP
  • Ad Revenue
  • Total Revenue
To see revenue information, advertisers must enable revenue sharing for the partner making the request.

Count and Revenue range parameters are all optional and are defined as follows:

ParameterData typeDefault valueDescription
count_minNumber1The event or session was recorded not less than the specified number of times.
count_maxNumberUnlimitedThe event or session was recorded not more than the specified number of times.
revenue_minNumber0The total revenue was at least the specified amount. Amounts are measured in the app's reporting_currency.
revenue_maxNumberUnlimitedThe total revenue did not exceed the specified amount. Amounts are measured in the app's reporting_currency.

Full response example


Response error codes

Error codeDescription
400 Bad RequestThe Store ID is missing or isn't formatted correctly.
401 UnauthorizedThe network token is missing or not recognized.
403 ForbiddenThe app is recognized, but the Partner sharing requirements weren't met for the requested app.
404 Not FoundThe requested app wasn't found or isn't verified for SKAdNetwork.
422 Unprocessable EntityThe requested app is recognized and verified by Adjust, but the Conversion Value management feature is not activated for the app.
429 Too Many RequestsRequests are throttled on a per-partner/app basis. Adjust recommends fetching updates once per day.