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5. Test uninstall and reinstall measurement
Adjust checks for uninstalls from Android apps for which the last activity was recorded in the production environment.
You can test app uninstalls for a debug app or a live app in the app store in the production environment only.
Test uninstall measurement
- Install the live or debug version of your app in the production environment on the test device.
- Open the app.
- Verify if device data is available in Adjust through the Testing Console. This confirms that Adjust measured an install.
- Now, uninstall your app from the test device.
- Adjust checks for uninstalls once a day.
- As soon as Adjust measures an uninstall, you receive a callback or CSV upload or can view uninstall data in Datascape.
Test reinstall measurement
- Reinstall the live or debug version of your uninstalled app in the production environment on the test device.
- Open the app.
- Adjust checks for reinstalls once a day.
- As soon as Adjust measures a reinstall, you receive a callback or CSV upload or can view reinstall data in Datascape.
If you do not receive an uninstall or reinstall callback or a CSV upload, or can't see your uninstall or reinstall data in the dashboard, then check the following: