2. Set up raw data reporting for uninstall and reinstall measurement

Use your raw data to keep track of uninstall, reinstall, and reattribution reinstall events. You can set up server callbacks to send data straight to your servers. You can also configure CSV files to upload to your cloud storage provider.

The following advertising IDs are available for uninstall callbacks:

  • {idfa}
  • {gps_adid}
  • {oaid}
  • {oaid_md5}
  • {web_uuid}

Make sure you include the appropriate ID placeholder(s) in your uninstall callback or CSV definition. You can use this to map the uninstall information to other advertising IDs in your system.

Server callbacks

Follow these instructions to set up uninstall and reinstall measurement in your server callbacks.

  1. Select AppView > All apps.
  2. Find your app and select it to open the app details screen.
  3. Select the Data management tab.
  4. Under Server callbacks, select + New callback.
  5. Select Guided setup from the dropdown menu to open the callback editor.
  6. Select one of the following triggers:
    • Global
    • Uninstall
    • Reinstall
    • Reattribution reinstall
  7. Enter your Server URL.
  8. Select Add a placeholder and add any placeholder information you want to receive. The most useful placeholders for uninstall and reinstall recording are found under Engagement data:
    • {time_to_uninstall}
    • {time_to_reinstall}
    • {uninstalled_at}
    • {reinstalled_at}
    • {last_session_time}
  9. Select Create callback URL.

Cloud storage uploads

Follow these instructions to set up uninstall and reinstall measurement in your CSV uploads.

  1. Select AppView > All apps.
  2. Find your app and select it to open the app details screen.
  3. Select the Data management tab.
  4. Under Cloud storage upload, select Set up cloud storage.
  5. Follow the instructions in the Set up cloud storage uploads guide to configure your storage provider.
  6. Select one of the following triggers:
    • Uninstall
    • Reinstall
    • Reattribution reinstall
  7. Under Format your CSV data, select Add placeholder and add any placeholder information you want to receive. The most useful placeholders for uninstall and reinstall recording are found under Engagement data:
    • {time_to_uninstall}
    • {time_to_reinstall}
    • {uninstalled_at}
    • {reinstalled_at}
    • {last_session_time}
  8. Select Save & Apply.