Purchase verification reporting

In Datascape, only successfully verified revenue data are included in your reporting. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the revenue that you see in your dataset. You can access the following event information as metrics in your Adjust reports:

  • The verification results: passed, failed, not verified, verified unknown.
  • The associated revenue.

You can also set up your raw data exports to have information about purchase verification events and in-app purchase revenue sent straight to your servers.

Datascape reports

In your Datascape reports, you can check to see both the revenue earned from verified purchases and the number of successful and failed purchase verification events that have happened in your app.

Purchase verification metrics

You can use the following metrics for your reporting in Datascape:

Purchase verification event - PassedRevenue events that have been sent for verification and confirmed as valid.
Purchase verification event - FailedRevenue events that have been sent for verification and deemed invalid by the app store through a failed API response.
Purchase verification event - Not verifiedRevenue events that have been sent for verification but cannot be verified. This may be because there is not enough information to validate the in-app purchase's legitimacy due to invalid parameters being passed within the method.
Purchase verification event - UnknownRevenue events that have been sent for verification but where we did not receive a verification response from Google or Apple, or another situation prevented us from reporting the correct verification status.
Purchase verification revenue - PassedRevenue from events that have been verified and confirmed as valid.
Purchase verification revenue - FailedRevenue from events that have been verified and deemed invalid by the app store through a failed API response.
Purchase verification revenue - Not verifiedRevenue from events that have been sent for verification but cannot be verified. This may be because there is not enough information to validate the in-app purchase's legitimacy due to invalid parameters being passed within the method.
Purchase verification revenue - UnknownRevenue from events that have been sent for verification but where we did not receive a verification response from Google or Apple, or another situation prevented us from reporting the correct verification status.

Raw data exports

To ensure you have efficient troubleshooting and deep insights into your data, you can set up callbacks to have purchase verification results sent straight to your servers.

The following purchase verification placeholders can be added to your in-app purchase event server callbacks and cloud storage uploads:

{pv_status}Sends verification status of each event:
  • verified_passed
  • verified_failed
  • verified_unknown
  • not_verified
This placeholder is populated whenever an event is sent for verification.
{pv_passed}Indicates 1 for "verified_passed" and 0 in all other cases. This placeholder is always populated, offering consistent data for each event.