Rejected install or reattribution callbacks

Rejected install or rejected reattribution callbacks are available if your client has activated the Fraud Prevention suite for individual apps in AppView. The Fraud Prevention Suite detects and rejects fraudulent engagements before attribution. It includes Adjust's Anonymous IP Filter, Click Injection Filtering, and Distribution Modeling.

The callback parameter for rejected install callbacks is rejected_install_callback.

The callback parameter for rejected reattribution callbacks is rejected_reattribution_callback.

If you're using Branded Links or Universal Links, you must prefix the callback parameter with adj_. For example: use adj_rejected_install_callback for the rejected_install_callback parameter.

If you add rejected_install_callback or rejected_reattribution_callback to a link URL and the Fraud Prevention Suite detects fraud, you will see the rejection reason in the callback. See the following table for a list of the rejection reasons:

Rejection reasonDescription
anonymous_trafficAnonymous IP filtering
distribution_outlierClick spamming - distribution modeling
too_many_engagementsClick spamming - hyper engagement
engagement_injectionClick injection filtering
incorrect_signatureInvalid Signature
malformed_advertising_idInstalls with invalid advertising IDs
It is possible for one attribution to trigger an install callback and a rejected install callback.
Example: For an install matched to two clicks where one click is fraudulent and the second click is valid: The fraudulent click triggers a rejected install callback and the valid click triggers an install callback.

Recommended placeholder

{rejection_reason}Reason for a rejected install or reattributionanonymous_traffic
If placeholder data is not available, it will be dropped from the callback.

Rejected install or reattribution callback example

If you have not integrated with Campaign Lab, use the Encoding tool to encode your callbacks and generate the final encoded URL. If you have any questions, contact us at
Callback URL with placeholdersUnencoded (Do not use as is)
Callback URL populated with values{gps_adid}&idfa={idfa}&idfv={idfv}&adid={adid}&tracker_name={link_name}&app_name={app_name}&activity_kind={activity_kind}&created_at={created_at}&rejection_reason={rejection_reason}