Separate multiplatform app data by platform

If your client has a multiplatform app, they may want to see their click and impressions data separated by operating system. For server-to-server integration, you need to append the os_name parameter to your link URL.

ParameterDescriptionExample value
  • Mandatory
Device operating system in lowercase and without any version numbers
  • ios
  • android
  • windows
device_typeDevice type in lowercase
  • phone
  • tablet
  • mobile
ip_addressDevice IP address8.8.8.8


Here's an example of an S2S click link with the appropriate parameters included for a multiplatform app.{campaign_id}&adgroup={publisher_id}&creative={creative_id}&idfa=[idfa]&s2s=1&device_type=[device_type]&os_name=[os_name]&ip_address=[ip_address]

The macros in square brackets [ ] are your network macros, which should be determined and replaced by your ad server.