CTV app setup

Growth solution:
CTV app setup is only available if you have CTV AdVision on your account. Reach out to your Adjust representative for more information.

You can add connected TV apps in Adjust to support CTV-CTV measurement.

To add a CTV app, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the menu and select AppView.
  2. Select CTV apps.
  3. Select + New CTV App.
  4. Enter your app name.
  5. Select your reporting currency.
    • This setting is permanent. This is the currency Adjust uses in dashboards and reports. If you convert in-app revenue before sending it to Adjust, select the final currency that you send. If you do not convert your revenue currency, Adjust converts all currencies we receive into the currency you select here.
  6. Confirm whether your app must comply with COPPA.
  7. Select Create app.

Your app now appears on your CTV app list.

Add a platform

Next, you need to provide details about the platform your app runs on.

Navigate to the Platforms tab, select + Connect platform and enter the following information:

  1. Platform: The platform on which your CTV app functions.
  2. Platform ID: The app ID on the platform of choice.
App platformDevice ExamplePlatform ID example
AndroidAndroid TVYour own defined name that is unique across the Google Play store.
  • Example: 
  • com.example.myapp
tvOSApple TVYour App ID found in the App Store URL.
  • Example: 1125517808
Fire OSAmazon Fire TVAmazon App ID: 32 characters long and only includes numbers and lowercase letters.
  • Example: 
  • 0051b3f88b0147f8b8584551492b7555
Roku OSRoku TVNumeric ID generated by Roku.
  • Example: 54321
Vizio: Smart CastVizioYour own defined app name, with a "vizio" prefix.
  • Example: vizio.example
TizenSamsung TVNumeric value assigned by Samsung.
  • Example: G12345678901
webOSLG TVNumeric store ID assigned by the LG app store.
  • Example: 70503
  1. Other settings:
    1. Redirect clicks to a custom URL: Add a custom URL if you want your users to go to a specific webpage instead of the platform’s app store.
    2. (iOS only) Send data to App Store Connect: Choose whether Adjust sends additional information to your App Store Connect account.
  2. Select Save.

Add app events

Set up specific in-app events you want to measure. To add an event, navigate to the Events tab.

  1. Select Add event.
  2. Enter your in-app Event name.
  3. To instruct Adjust to record an event only once per device, select This is a unique event.
    • Example: Registration event
  4. Select Add event. This creates a unique event token for your event.

Manage your events

Copy event token

Hide an event

Unhide an event

Deduplicate revenue events

Revenue deduplication stops Adjust from reporting the same purchase event twice. This protects your dataset and promotes accuracy. To deduplicate events, follow the instructions for your setup method.

Adjust SDK

S2S events

Attribution settings

By default, both click-based and impression-based attribution are active. You can edit the attribution windows you want to use.

You can also apply reattribution and temporary attribution settings to your app.


Now that you have your event token, you need to decide whether to use the Adjust SDK or S2S integration to send events. This is determined by the channel you're working with.

Visit our CTV-CTV measurement compatibility overview to see your options.

SDK setup

The Adjust SDK is compatible with various connected TV devices, such as Apple, Android, and Amazon TV. This lets you track campaigns with connected TV apps in the same way as you do for mobile apps. Use the link below for specific SDK setup instructions.

S2S setup

To measure connected TV app installs on a non-iOS or Android TV device, you can set up S2S integration. Use the link below for information on how S2S integration works, and S2S setup instructions.

To measure native ads on Amazon Fire TV, Roku Endemic Media and Vizio, make sure you activate the SAN integration in Campaign Lab. Learn how to set up an ad network.

Data management

Under Data management you can control how you want to receive raw data from your app. Use the following links for more information about each option.

In this area, you can also access the Testing Console. Use the Testing Console to see test device data. Enter your advertising ID to review attribution data and check event activity. You can also "forget" your device. This clears your device data from Adjust, letting you run tests on the same device multiple times.

Data protection

If data protection features are available for your app platform, you can see the option to set them up for your app in the Protection tab.

Use the links to find out about the different data protection features Adjust offers, and find out what is available for your app platform in the table below.

LGRokuVizioSamsungAndroid TVApple TVAmazon Fire TV
Fraud Prevention Suite




S2S Security








SDK Signature




Data Privacy




Data Residency