SKAN Crowd Anonymity Tiers

The SKAN crowd anonymity tiers​ widget shows you an immediate overview of how many SKAN conversions are placed in each tier. To maintain users’ privacy and ensure crowd anonymity, SKAN 4 expands the privacy threshold into four tiers of crowd anonymity: 0, 1, 2, and 3. The postback data tier is determined by the crowd size associated with the app or domain displaying the ad, the advertised app, and the hierarchical source identifier the ad network provides.


To learn more about Apple's data tiers introduced in SKAN4 see Data tiers.

Set up the SKAN crowd anonymity tiers widget

By default, the SKAN crowd anonymity tiers​ widget is a chart that breaks down the distribution of how many SKAN Conversions are placed in each tier by Channel​ and displays the Top 5​. You can see the breakdown of conversion events by the following dimensions:

DimensionView by
  • Top 5
  • Top 10
  • Bottom 5
  • Bottom 10
Campaign Name

You can choose to display the data in absolute​ or percentage​ values.

What to look for

  • Ideally, you want to have as many SKAN conversions as possible in the higher tiers. This is because you will get the most information out of those conversions, that is, a fine CV, a source identifier with up to 4 digits, and the actual source app id / source web domain.

  • If you have a lot of SKAN conversions in a lower tier for a certain channel, it is an indication that the campaign set up is not ideal. It means that you are spreading your campaign budget too thin and not getting enough installs per day and per campaign because of it. If that is the case, then restructure your campaign setup, and allocate the ad spend to fewer campaigns to make sure that the privacy threshold for the higher tiers can be reached.