Server callbacks

A callback is an http or https request between two servers. Adjust sends a callback immediately after a trigger from an ad engagement (via a link URL) or from within the app (via the SDK). You can set up callbacks to receive advertising IDs, attribution details, app data and more directly to your servers in real-time as raw data.

Using callbacks

Adjust’s callbacks are the only way to receive raw data directly on your own servers. You need your own business intelligence solution or data warehouse to process callbacks. Adjust does not permanently store raw data, and you cannot export raw data from Adjust, which only reports aggregated data. Raw data is essential for user-level analysis and personalized retargeting efforts.

The way you use callbacks will depend on your marketing objectives. The best practical advice is to ensure that you have the most useful placeholders appended to your callback URLs. You can include any placeholder from our full list of Adjust placeholders.

We recommend that you use cloud storage uploads alongside our callbacks, setting up the same placeholders on the same data points. The cloud storage will act as a backup, ensuring that no data is lost if your server experiences downtime. Should you experience any server outages, you can use the data that continues to come into your cloud storage solution to fill in the gaps.

Use case:

One way to use a callback can be to determine which inactive users have the highest reattribution potential. You can set up callbacks to identify users that made significant in-app purchases before becoming inactive and you can attempt to reattribute these users directly.

Learn more about working with callbacks using the guides below::