Universal Mapping Migration Guide
Universal mapping simplifies your SKAdNetwork (SKAN) management by consolidating both your SKAN3 and SKAN4 schemas into a unified flow. This streamlined approach means that you can focus on optimizing campaign performance while the Adjust servers handle all the SKAN version-specific complexities. We have incorporated a guided flow for migration into the UI of Conversion Hub, and this page as a secondary reference.
Migrating to universal mapping will not affect your data or campaigns that are running with different partners.
This guide will show you how to migrate to universal mapping depending on your setup. This includes if you have SKAN 4 configured, SKAN 3 configured, or if you have both SKAN 3 and SKAN 4 configured.
Migration is required for each of your apps that has a conversion value mapping configured.
To migrate to universal mapping, choose your setup below, and follow the steps.
1. Apps with only SKAN 4 Schema Configured
No Action Required
If you are only using the SKAN 4 schema, your setup will automatically migrate to the universal mapping Schema. There are no implications for your existing campaigns or data.
2. Apps with only SKAN 3 Schema Configured
Action Required: Migrate to universal mapping
Depending on your currently setup your migration flow will vary. When you start the migration, the guide in the UI and below will outline the steps for all SKAN 3 only configurations. To understand more about Smart Setup and Advanced Setup you can reference those pages.
Smart Setup (Revenue Mapping)
To start the migration, follow these steps:
- Select Start Migration to access the universal mapping migration wizard.
- SKAN 3 mapped values are automatically imported into the universal mapping schema.
- Suggested coarse values are provided based on the 63 mapped conversion values (CVs).
Optional Adjustments
- Accept or edit the suggested coarse values as necessary.
- The first coarse value in the first Postback is set to "Install."
- Coarse values in postback 2 and 3 are optional and not required for proceeding but we highly recommend setting them.
- Coarse values should align with the mapped fine values.
- The default lockWindows for SKAN 4 are preset, but you can edit it (not recommended).
- The default 24-hour CV window for SKAN 3 is preset but you can edit it (not recommended).
We don’t recommend changing the default postback schedule or using a lockWindow for any of the three postbacks during the early testing phases.
About Postbacks and Coarse Values: Apple sends aggregated data about user behavior in three postbacks, the first postback after 2 days, the second postback after 7 days and third postback after 30 days. You can refer to apple's documentation on receiving postbacks in multiple conversion windows.
Smart Setup (Behavior Mapping: 6bits)
To start the migration, follow these steps:
- Select Start Migration to access the universal mapping migration wizard.
- SKAN3 mapped values are automatically imported into the universal mapping schema.
Optional Adjustments
- Edit your coarse values as necessary.
- The first coarse value in the first Postback is set to "Install."
- Coarse values in postback 2 and 3 are optional and not required for proceeding but we highly recommend setting them.
- Coarse values should align with the mapped fine values.
- The default lockWindows for SKAN 4 are preset, but you can edit it (not recommended).
- The default 24-hour CV window for SKAN 3 is preset, but you can edit it (not recommended).
We don’t recommend changing the default postback schedule or using a lockWindow for any of the three postbacks during the early testing phases.
About Postbacks and Coarse Values: Apple sends aggregated data about user behavior in three postbacks, the first postback after 2 days, the second postback after 7 days and third postback after 30 days. You can refer to apple's documentation on receiving postbacks in multiple conversion windows.
Advanced Setup (63 CVs or 6bits Mapping)
To start the migration, follow these steps:
- Select Start Migration to access the universal mapping migration wizard.
- SKAN 3 mapped values are automatically imported into the universal mapping schema.
- Suggested coarse values are provided based on the 63 mapped conversion values (CVs).
Optional Adjustments
- Accept or edit the suggested coarse values as necessary.
- The first coarse value in the first Postback is set to "Install."
- Coarse values in postback 2 and 3 are optional and not required for proceeding but we highly recommend setting them.
- Coarse values should align with the mapped fine values.
- The default lockWindows for SKAN 4 are present, but you can edit it (not recommended).
- The default 24-hour CV window for SKAN 3 is preset but you can edit it (not recommended).
We don’t recommend changing the default postback schedule or using a lockWindow for any of the three postbacks during the early testing phases.
About Postbacks and Coarse Values: Apple sends aggregated data about user behavior in three postbacks, the first postback after 2 days, the second postback after 7 days and third postback after 30 days. You can refer to Apple's documentation on receiving postbacks in multiple conversion windows.
3. Apps with both SKAN 3 & SKAN 4 Schemas Configured
Action Required: Migrate to universal mapping
To start the migration, follow these steps:
- Select Start Migration to access the universal mapping migration wizard.
- Choose which schema you'd like to migrate to universal mapping.
- SKAN 4 Schema Selected (recommended): Automatic migration to the universal mapping schema and you can review for any desired edits.
- SKAN 3 Schema Selected: Follow the migration process outlined in the SKAN3-specific section above.