Smart setup

Use Smart setup to let Adjust suggest conversion value mappings for your app. We combine your app's data with our knowledge of app verticals to help you map your conversion values. With Smart setup, you can be sure you're getting the most out of your SKAdNetwork campaigns.

  • Offers an onboarding wizard to implement best practices without in-depth knowledge of SKAN
  • Minimal input required - just let us know about any monetisation that happens
  • Recommendations based on your app vertical
  • Incorporates machine learning insights
Smart Setup can currently only be used for SKAN 3 campaigns. If you want to run a campaign on SKAN 4, find out how to set up a mapping.

How does it work?

The Conversion Hub uses machine learning to examine your app data and information about your app category. It suggests the most effective conversion value setup for your app based on what you want to measure, how users behave in your app, and Adjust's knowledge of the vertical.

To determine whether we apply a bit mapping or a value mapping for your app, we consider the following three factors:

  1. The category of the app (as taken from the store)
  2. Whether the app monetizes within the first 24 hours of install
  3. What type of revenue the app uses for monetization

With this information provided, the Conversion Hub suggests one of the below mapping models.

Behavior mapping

Behavior mapping lets you assess the value of your users by focusing on up to 6 key events performed in the first 24 hours after install. Smart setup recommends behavior mapping for apps and verticals that are more effectively measured by recording events.

With behavior mapping, you don't need to have deep insight into the user journey. Instead, you just need to know the key events you want to record and map them to the bits. It does not matter what order the events occur in. This approach is popular because of its simplicity and transparency.

Revenue mapping

Revenue mapping lets you assess the value of your users by focusing on revenue generated in the first 24 hours after install. Smart setup recommends revenue mapping for app verticals that are most effectively measured by recording in-app revenue, such as Gaming, Finance, and eCommerce. With value mapping, you need to know the user journey to map more desirable events or conditions to the higher conversion values.

As an example, we know that for gaming apps purchases within the first hours of install are closely tied to the long-term purchase behaviour or the user. So, mapping revenue ranges to all of the 63 conversion values, going from lower ranges to higher ranges, will help demonstrate what users a campaign is bringing. If you see in your campaign results a large number of postbacks where the conversion values are in the high range, you can conclude that these users will also long-term generate revenue in the app.

Manage your mappings

Create a new mapping

Smart setup determines which conversion value mapping to use based on your app category, your users' behavior, and your monetization strategy.

You must use the same mapping for both SKAN 3 and 4 to ensure your results align across both versions.

To create a new mapping:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app from the list or use the search bar to find it.
  3. Select SKAN Conversion Hub.
  4. Select Map conversion values.
  5. Select Smart setup in the Map conversion values modal that appears.
  6. Select all the different ways you montize your app in the How do you monetize your app? section.
  7. Indicate whether your users usually generate revenue within the first 24 hours after install.
  8. Select Next.

The Conversion Hub combines your choices with information about your app and its related vertical.

If it determines that behavior mapping is the best mapping for your app, the behavior mapping editor opens. The Conversion Hub automatically maps events to conversion bits. You can add, remove, or edit values from this list using the editor.

If Conversion Hub determines that a revenue range is the best mapping for your app, it automatically generates a revenue mapping for you. The revenue mapping considers your monetization strategy and information about your app's vertical to create revenue ranges across all 63 conversion values. It chooses the Revenue type based on the monetization strategy you pick.

You can put your events in any order. Adjust reports on each event that a user triggers.

Select SKAN Conversion Hub.


Update your mapping

You can change a smart setup mapping at any time after you save it. To do this:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app from the list or use the search bar to find it.
  3. Select SKAN Conversion Hub. Your current mapping is shown.
  4. Select the edit icon () to edit your current mapping.
  5. Update any of the following:
    1. Your CV Window
    2. The Setup mode
    3. Your mapped values
Selecting a new Setup mode deletes your current mappings.
  1. Select Save to save the mapping for your app. Select Discard changes to close the editor without saving any changes.

Delete your mapping

You can delete your mappings if you no longer need them. To do this:

  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app from the list or use the search bar to find it.
  3. Select SKAN Conversion Hub. Your current mapping is shown.
  4. Select the delete icon ().
  5. A confirmation modal appears. Select Delete mapping to confirm you want to delete the mapping or Cancel to keep the mapping.