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Réactiver/désactiver le partage tiers via S2S

With Adjust, you can manage how data is shared with third parties for statistics purposes. This gives your users greater choice over how their data is handled. Here, you can find instructions on how to re-enable and disable third-party sharing server-to-server (S2S).

Any user that opts-out of sharing user data will not be re-targeted again, even if they opt-in at a later point. This means they are not included in Audiences lists.
Version min. du SDKDocumentation développeur
SDK Android 4.26.0+Android - réactiver le partage
SDK iOS 4.25.0+iOS - réactiver le partage


L'adresse des requêtes endpoint de l'API est :

Utilisez une requête POST pour interagir avec l'API. Vous pouvez également envoyer des paramètres endpoint dans l'URL ou à comme des données de formulaire.

Paramètres requis

Nom du paramètreValeur
gps_adid, idfaChaîne d'ID d'appareil. Au moins un ID d'appareil est requis. L'API prend en charge les mêmes ID d'appareil pris en charge par les autres API S2S Adjust.
s2sToujours 1
app_tokenLe token d'application.
sharing enable ou disable pour respectivement autoriser ou bloquer le partage tiers.


Réponse de réussite

Vous recevrez la réponse réussie suivante :

   “status”: "OK"

Réponse d'erreur

En cas d'erreur, vous recevrez un code de statut de réponse 400 Bad Request avec un message décrivant l'erreur.

Exemple :

   "error": "Third party sharing failed (App not found)”

Exemple d'URL

Insérez le paramètre enable pour autoriser le partage tiers, par exemple :

Insérez le paramètre disable pour bloquer le partage tiers, par exemple :

Provide consent data to Google (Digital Markets Act compliance)

To comply with the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA), Google Ads and the Google Marketing Platform require explicit consent to receive Adjust’s attribution requests to their APIs.

In the event a user changes their consent response, you can use Adjust's re-enable/disable third party sharing API to share this with us. Pass the following parameters in your request:

eea1 = users are in the EEA and the DMA applies

0 = users are not in the EEA and the DMA does not apply
The eea parameter informs Google whether users are located in the EEA and thus whether the European regulations, including the DMA, apply to this user and conversion. The parameter type is boolean.
ad_personalization1 = user consented

0 = user did not consent
  • For Google Ads

The ad_personalization parameter informs whether users consented to being served personalized ads via Google Ads after installing the app, i.e. whether Google can retarget the users.
ad_user_data1 = user consented

0 = user did not consent
The ad_user_data parameter informs Google whether users granted consent to personal data being shared for measurement purposes or not. The consent applies to all the Core Platform Services (CPS) advertisers have specified in their Google Ads and Google Marketing Platform UI.
npa1 = user did not consent

0 = user consented
  • For Google Marketing Platform

The npa parameter informs whether users consented to being served personalized ads via Google Marketing Platform after installing the app, i.e. whether Google can retarget the users.

Note that you need to send the ad_personalization parameter if you are working with Google Ads, and the npa parameter if you are working with Google Marketing Platform.