Testing Console

Use the Testing Console to see test device data. Enter your advertising ID to review attribution data and check event activity. You can also "forget" your device. This clears your device data from Adjust, letting you run tests on the same device multiple times.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


  • Admin, Editor, or Custom Editor permissions
  • Advertising ID - IDFA (iOS) | IDFV (iOS) | ADID Google Advertising ID (Android) | Android ID (Android) | Open Anonymous Device Identifier (OAID - Android) | IMEI | Windows Advertising ID (Windows) | Fire Advertising ID (Kindle)
    • iPhones and iPads - Find your advertising ID with the Adjust Insights app for iOS. Download the app from the Apple App Store and open it to see your IDFA. You can select your IDFA to copy it to your clipboard or share it via the icon at the top right.
    • Android devices - Find your advertising ID with the Adjust Insights Android app. Download the app and open it. You can select your Google advertising identifier or Android identifier to copy it to your clipboard, or send it via email.

To let Adjust attribute by device matching, append your advertising ID to the corresponding Adjust parameter in your link URL. If you do not, make sure that probabilistic modeling is turned ON.

  • iPhone example: https://app.adjust.com/abc123?idfa=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

  • Android example: https://app.adjust.com/abc123?gps_adid=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Best practices for testing

Make note of the following points while:

Testing attribution

Testing reattribution

Testing event measurement

Testing with Facebook or Twitter campaign data

Check device data

Before you use the Testing Cosole, make sure you use a mobile device that:

On your test device

  1. Click on your Adjust link.
  2. Download the latest app version with the Adjust SDK integrated.
  3. Open the app.
  4. (iOS apps) If the app asks for permission to track, select Allow.

In AppView

  1. Access the Testing Console from your app card or from the Data management tab of your app setup.
    • (Admin, Editor, or Custom Editor permissions only) To access the Testing Console from the app card, under AppView, select All apps. Find your app and select Testing Console.
    • To access the Testing Console from the Data management tab of your app setup, under AppView, select All apps. Select your app, and then select the Data management tab. Under Testing console, select Go to testing console.
  2. Enter the Advertising ID.
  3. Select View device data.

Available device data

When you request to view your device data, you can see the following fields. Expand the rows to see their available values and what they mean.

Identification information

Advertising ID


App information

Last app version

Last SDK version

Last app version short


Install state

Push token

Attribution information



Link name

Click time

Install time

Last event times

Event name

Event token

Last event time (UTC)

SDK Signature information

Signature verification result

Signature acceptance status

Signature version

Secret ID

Forget device

Adjust counts an install as the first app open from an unrecognized device. This means an install can only occur once per device. To test install or unique event measurement on the same device multiple times, you need to clear it from Adjust. This removes its advertising ID and activity history.

Use the Forget device option in the Testing console to clear your device data in Adjust on a per-app basis. This means you clear your device of all its previously measured activity for your app.

To clear your device from Adjust, follow these steps.

On your test device

Delete your app from the test device.

In AppView

  1. Access the Testing Console from your app card or from the Data management tab of your app setup.
    • (Admin, Editor, or Custom Editor permissions only) To access the Testing Console from the app card, under AppView, select All apps. Find your app and select Testing Console.
    • To access the Testing Console from the Data management tab of your app setup, under AppView, select All apps. Select your app, and then select the Data management tab. Under Testing console, select Go to testing console.
  2. Enter the Advertising ID.
  3. Select View device data.
  4. Select Forget device.