How data privacy settings work

With Data Privacy settings switched ON, Adjust takes the user's most recent consent timestamp to calculate the consent expiry and data retention periods. This affects how Adjust handles data when consent is renewed.

Here, you can find out how Adjust calculates the collection and retention periods for users.

Consent renewed before the expiry period ends

If the user renews their consent before the consent expiry period ends, the expiry period is extended. The timestamp from the renewed consent becomes the new start date.


In this example, the expiry period is set to 1 month and the retention period is set to 2 months. The user consents, and Adjust marks this timestamp as Day 1. We would stop processing data at the end of the consent expiry period on T1+30 (31st day) and delete the user data at the end of the data retention period on T1+60 (61st day).

After the user renews their consent on Day 15, Adjust updates the consent timestamp. We will now stop processing data on T15+30. We delete the data at the end of the new data retention period on T15+60.

Consent renewed after the expiry period ends

If a user renews their consent after the consent expiry period ends, Adjust starts processing data again and calculates a new expiry and retention period. Between the end of the original consent expiry period and the renewed consent, Adjust does not process any user data.


In this example, the expiry period is set to 1 month and the retention period is set to 2 months. The user consents, and Adjust marks this timestamp as Day 1. We would stop processing data at the end of the consent expiry period on T1+30 (31st day) and delete the user data at the end of the data retention period on T1+60 (61st day).

At the end of the consent expiry period on T1+30 (31st day) Adjust stops processing user data. On day 45, the user renews their consent which means that a new expiry and retention period is created and Adjust may start processing data agian.

Consent updated before Adjust measures an install

In some cases, a user may set or change their consent status before Adjust measures their install. This can happen if your app calls Adjust.trackMeasurementConsent(true) method before the Adjust SDK initializes and tracks the first session.

When the consent is measured before SDK initialization, we create a device record and new link for the user. Adjust attaches the consent data to this link and device record for data collection and retention calculations.

The link name is: Measurement Consent Updated Before Install

To avoid this scenario, follow our instructions on how to set up your SDK to receive user consent after install.