Set up conversion rules

Conversion Rules is an advanced feature under the Protect pillar. It allows you to validate installs and user engagements by applying custom rules that you define.

Growth solution:

To enable Conversion Rules for your account, please contact

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


Set up a conversion rule

To set up a conversion rule, follow these steps.

  1. Under Protection, select Conversion rules.
  2. Select New conversion rule.
  3. Enter a name for your rule.
  4. Choose one of the following status:
    • Live - Attributions are applied immediately when rule conditions are met.
    • Test - Attributions are counted as test only. Use this to test your conversion rule. For conversion rules in Test status, we don't change the attribution source or send any callbacks.
    • Pause - Your rule is not applied to any attributions.
  5. Select your app.
  6. Select the rule type, and configure your rule accordingly.
  7. Select Create rule.

Once your rule is Live, Adjust checks attribution data against the rule configuration. This might change your attribution results. You will see these changes in your raw data exports and Datascape. For any rules in Test status, we don't change the attribution source or send any callbacks.

Attribution behaviours

For specific rule types, you can define how attribution results should be handled. The following options are available:

Unverified devices

  • Adjust retains postbacks and aggregated data.
  • Unverified devices can be reattributed.

Untrusted devices

  • This represents the highest severity level.
  • Adjust does not retain postbacks or aggregated data.
  • Untrusted devices cannot be reattributed.

To use this attribution behaviour in either live or test mode, your account must have the Conversion Rules Core feature enabled. Please contact for assistance.


The 'Store (Google Play Store only)' type rule allows app installs from Google Play Store.

If you want to set up the store rule, follow these steps:

  1. Choose what the attribution results need to be changed to, in case the store doesn't match Google Play Store:
  2. Select Create rule.

With this rule, installs from outside the Play Store are attributed to Unverified devices or Untrusted devices.


The 'Region' type rule allows devices and installs from specific regions.

If you want to set up the region rule, follow these steps:

  1. Choose what the attribution results need to be changed to, in case the regions don't match your specified region:
  2. Under Rule conditions, choose multiple regions by setting conditions for Country:
    1. Condition type - Set to Is equal to or Exclude.
    2. Value - Choose a value from the list.
  3. Select Create rule.

With this rule, installs from outside the specified countries are attributed to Unverified devices or Untrusted devices.

Example: A 'Region' rule with

  • Condition Type: Include
  • Country Value: Japan

Interpretation: As a marketer, I want to attribute only installs coming from the Japan region

Behaviour: This rule attributes any installs outside Japan as either Unverified or Untrusted devices.

Region and Campaigns match

The 'Region and campaigns match' type rule allows devices and installs from your chosen region and campaigns.

If you want to set up the region and campaigns match rule, follow these steps:

  1. Under Set the channel filter, select the Channel, Campaign, and Adgroup to choose the campaign.
  2. Under Rule conditions, choose multiple regions by setting conditions for Country:
    1. Condition type - Set to Is equal to or Exclude.
    2. Value - Choose a value from the list.
  3. Select Create rule.

This rule type skips the source of attribution. If there is no attribution from your chosen campaign traffic from your specified region, we don't attribute. The latest fallback is organic.

Example: For a 'Region & Campaigns Match' rule with

  • Campaign ‘Channel’ value: AppLovin
  • Country Value: Japan

Interpretation: For the AppLovin campaign, I want to attribute installs coming from the Japan region.

Behaviour: If there is an install from outside Japan, it will not be attributed to any AppLovin campaign even if the last click (that won the attribution) came from AppLovin.

Adjust searches for the preceding best click. If an eligible click was found, then it is awarded the attribution for the install. If no click was found, then the install is attributed to Organic.

Manage your conversion rule

On the Conversion rules page, you can:

  • View a list of your conversion rules.
  • View the status of the rule and change its status.
  • Select (edit icon) to edit the rule. You can change the rule name, status, type, and its settings.
    • You cannot change the app for which you created the rule.
  • Select (delete icon) to delete the rule.


Here you can find details about how Adjust reports conversion rules data in Datascape. This uses the following structure in reports.

Attribution changed to Unverified devices

Campaign structure levelReporting value
  • Unverified devices
CampaignRule type
    • Store rule or Region rule
  • Network name with link token that the engagement was originally attributed to.
  • Campaign that the engagement was originally attributed to.

Attribution changed to Untrusted devices

Campaign structure levelReporting value
  • Untrusted devices
CampaignRule type
  • Store rule or Region rule
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unverified devices
  • Untrusted devices


Unverified, Untrusted devices attribution behaviours

  • Installs
    1. Unverified Installs Store Rule
    2. Unverified Installs Region Rule
    3. Rejected Installs Store Rule
    4. Rejected Installs Region Rule
  • Reattributions
    1. Unverified Reattributions Store Rule
    2. Unverified Reattributions Region Rule
    3. Rejected Reattributions Store Rule
    4. Rejected Reattributions Region Rule

"Skip the source" attribution behaviour

  1. Unverified engagements region campaign rule
  2. Unverified clicks region campaign rule
  3. Unverified impressions region campaign rule