Set up cloud storage uploads

You can automatically export your raw user data to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or a custom S3 as CSV files. Once you are set up, you can use this data to build your own database, perform detailed analysis, or recall data instantly without ever having to request Adjust logs.

Before you begin

Here's what you need to know before getting started.


Access cloud storage settings

Access the cloud storage upload setup from your app card or from the Data management tab of your app setup.

Data Management tab
App card
  1. Under AppView, select All apps.
  2. Select your app, and then select the Data management tab.
  3. Under Cloud storage upload, select Configure.

Choose setup path

Choose one of the following setup paths:

New setup

  1. Select this option, and select Set up to configure a new cloud storage provider for your app.
  2. Now, complete the following to set up a new cloud storage provider for your app:

Copy settings from an existing app

  1. Select this option and choose the app from which you want to copy cloud storage settings, and then select Set up. This copies the storage provider, triggers, and CSV definition settings to this cloud storage setup.
  2. Provide the Secret access key of Amazon S3 or Custom S3, or upload the Service Account Key credential file of Google Cloud Storage.
  3. You can review the copied settings, and make any changes as required.

Choose your storage provider

In the Storage provider list, select your cloud storage provider, and provide the following details:

  • Amazon S3 - Access key ID, Secret access key, Bucket name
  • Google Cloud Storage - Service Account Key credential file (JSON file created in the Google Cloud Console), Bucket name
  • Custom S3 - Access key ID, Secret access key, Bucket URL
    • Select this if you want to use Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, or if you want to use an S3 provider apart from Amazon.

The Bucket URL only supports a top level bucket name as the last subpath.

For example,

Don't specify a path or folder inside the bucket as the location for your CSV file. Create a new bucket if you don’t want to put files in the top level of an existing bucket.

Choose data to send

Under Sending data, choose the data and events that you want to send to your storage provider.

  1. Manage whether to continue or stop receiving cloud storage uploads using the Live and Pause controls.
  2. Under Triggers you can choose the events that you want Adjust to send data to your bucket for. You can select from all available activities, and any events you have set up for your app.

Available triggers

Format CSV data

Under Format your CSV data, determine how data appears in your CSV files. Each value you enter here will be used to create a column in the CSV file. Arrange constants, parameters, and Adjust placeholders to build fully customized export reporting. Your CSV format consists of 3 elements - placeholders, parameters, and constants. To choose how your data appears in CSV files, do the following:

  • Select Add placeholder to choose a dynamic placeholder that you want to add to the CSV file. They are replaced with user data. See the Adjust placeholders page for a complete list of placeholder names.

  • Select Add parameter to add custom app user data to the CSV file. You can specify names of any callback parameters that you defined in the Adjust SDK upon integration.

  • Select Add constant to add a constant to the CSV file. These are static values that will appear exactly as you enter them in every row of the resulting CSV file. Constants are useful for including important data to help with analysis, for example internal app IDs. "Null" is not allowed.

The values you enter should not contain the following special characters: ,[].

Save your settings

Select Save and apply to save your cloud storage settings in Adjust. If you had set sending data to Live, Adjust uploads CSV data files to your storage bucket every hour on the hour.